Kanna Kamui Community
"Talk about Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid's famous dragon loli here, or Talk about anything Dragon Maid related. You can talk about the Anime, Manga, or merchandise here. The series is even on Crunchyroll:
Lewding the Dragon Loli is in violation of Closedverse’s rules"
Community Number: 24 (Closedverse), 7 (Oasis), 34 (Oasis, Kanna Kamui Community 2)
Icon and banner for the Kanna Kamui Community.
The Kanna Kamui Community was a community originally on Closedverse and later put on Oasis. It was a community centered around the character Kanna Kamui from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. The community, first created by PF2M on Closedverse, was brought back after an incident with Pip jokingly spamming the Anything Goes Community with photos of Kanna. It was later taken down and replaced with a General Anime Discussion Community, before being created on Oasis and then reinstated on Closedverse.
Creation, First Closing, and Reinstatement
In early September of 2017, PF2M created this community after watching Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, but eventually shut it down because it would be considered "unfair" to other anime. A few days later, Pip asked PF2M to create a Kanna Kamui Community, unaware of its initial shutdown. When PF2M explained the backstory of the deleted community, Pip went to the Anything Goes Community and stated that he would spam screenshots of Kanna Kamui from the anime until the community was reopened. After about an hour of posting photos, Squibby (one of the few admins at the time) logged on and banned Pip. Pip then messaged Arian and apologized to him, and Arian unbanned him. PF2M reopened the Community shortly after, which had some activity due to the meme aspect but then eventually died down in activity, even from Pip. This incident could be considered the first piece of drama on Miiverse clones, and could potentially be part of the reason that Arian chose to increase the staff size over time.
Sometime in mid 2018, Jokko made a post stating that he would post exclusively on the Kanna Kamui Community for a day if the post reached a certain yeah quantity. The post reached this quantity, and Jokko made most of his posts that day on the community, with Pip deleting any attempt he made at posting on the Anything Goes Community. Eventually, Jokko gave up and posted on Anything Goes for the remainder of the day.
Within the Closedverse userbase, the Kanna Kamui community was commonly seen as a symbol of Pip and his spamming of Kanna images.
Second Closing and Reinstatement
Icon for the Kanna Kamui Community 2.
Eventually, sometime around March of 2018, the community was closed down to make way for a General Anime Community. Being an enthusiast for history at the time, Pip memed about how this event was similar to the Yugoslav Wars (Yugoslavia being the Anime Community and Croatia being the Kanna Community), posting memes about how reopening the community would be like freeing Croatia. Despite this, Pip didn't have any actual concern about the community. However, the community was one of the first to be added to Oasis, and a community known as the Kanna Kamui Community 2 was created as well, though it had little activity. In July of 2018, the community was reopened on Closedverse after Pip agreed with Staffcord to do so if he got a post with 75 yeahs, which he reached.