One of the many logos for Hamstatunz.
Hamstatunz is a music group created by former clone users Beholder (who was actually an alias for Adrian) and Mr.Pringle sometime around 2019. Hamstatunz was actively releasing songs somewhere from early 2019 to mid 2019. Most music by them was released after the shutdown of Indigo, as most Hamstagrad members, such as Beholder himself, were active on Oasis.
Musical Style
The exact genre of Hamstatunz is hard to exactly pin down, as most songs released by Hamstatunz had very poor production quality. Beholder once claimed that the reason a lot of songs didn't fit well was because Hamstatunz was more of a joke project. Most Hamstatunz songs were made using online browser-based music makers, along with vocals provided by Mr.Pringle, which included rapping, growling, and shouting type vocals. The closest genres that Hamstatunz shares the most similarities to is rap rock and alternative hip hop.
Release Info
Most of the music released by Hamstatunz was considered lost, as almost every song released by them got taken down by YouTube. It is a possibility that Mr. Pringle or Beholder himself have access to the original files of most Hamstatunz songs, but this hasn't been confirmed yet.
Until 2021, the only Hamstatunz song that remained on YouTube is "NED IS A CLOWN", which was reuploaded on July 11, 2019 by a channel known as Epic Video Archive. This reupload was done without Beholder's permission, prompting Beholder to make a comment saying, "Please take this video down. I am Beholder himself. I never authorized you to upload my song and I do not want it up on this youtube channel. Hamstatunz is exclusive to my epic souncloud and my youtube channel. Thank you." Nevertheless, the video is still up.
On June 19, 2020, Proto posted videos and mp3s of multiple Hamstatunz songs to the Miiverse Clonapedia Discord server, many of which were previously thought to have been lost.
On September 18, 2021, Adrian, after it became known that he was Beholder, uploaded a music video to YouTube titled "FREE MY BOY ADRIAN.", under the Hamstatunz name. On November 8, 2021, he would upload another song under the Hamstatunz name, titled "PUPPY (2021)".
Known Members
Beholder (instrumental work)
Mr. Pringle (vocals)