Clone Wikis

(For the article on Miiverse wikis, see here)

This article is a list of minor Miiverse clone wikis that have been created so far. All of them are Wikia-based, and most of them have a scarce amount of content.

Closedverse Wiki

The Closedverse Wiki (also known as Le Closedverse Wiki) is a Wikia-based wiki created by RescueKuck on October 5, 2017, under It reportedly ceased activity upon Arian's request. The site currently houses 20 pages, mostly consisting of short articles on users.

Le Closedverse Resource Wiki

Le Closedverse Resource Wiki is a Wikia-based wiki created on December 1, 2017, under It was meant to detail information on Closedverse, but Arian requested the site to be taken down. While the site was never taken down, the home page states that it has ceased activity upon Arian's request, much like the previous wiki. The site currently houses 11 pages, with an article on Closedverse, a short article of PF2M, and an article on Arian which is a direct copy of the Miiversepedia article on Arian.

Oasis Wiki

"Hello! Welcome to the Oasis Wiki! We're a community based around Oasis, a Miiverse clone. Feel free to edit pages or make pages about users and other things, such as drama, communities, and much more! We hope you have a great time here!"

The Oasis Wiki is a wiki created by IsaiahTSE on April 4, 2019, the same day Closedverse shut down, under It was meant to detail articles on Oasis. The site currently has 22 articles, most of them short or incomplete.

Miiverse Clone Lore Wiki

The Miiverse Clone Lore Wiki was a wiki created on February 20, 2019, under the link The site had 11 articles, usually either memes or incomplete articles. N0where has made a majority of the contributions to the wiki. It has since been closed.

Sandwich World Wiki : a encyclopedia of this strange Miiverse clone

The Sandwich World Wiki, fully titled "Sandwich World Wiki : a encyclopedia of this strange Miiverse clone" was a wiki made under As the name suggests, it is a wiki dedicated to the Miiverse clone Sandwich World. It has since been closed.

Miiverse Clones Wiki

"This wiki talks about Miiverse clones! This is a wiki to document Miiverse Clones, which are websites that are design to recreate Miiverse, after it was shutdown. However, there were a few clones that were made before the shutdown."

Screenshot of Miiverse Clones Wiki.

The Miiverse Clone Wiki (alternatively titled the Miiverse Clones Wikipedia) is a Fandom-based wiki created by Lukah_F under It has several articles related to Miiverse clones, including a rehost of Cedar made by Lukah_F named Oak.