Pandoro 64

Pandoro's mii since 2022

Pandoro 64 (Formely known as Colombine) is a former Miiverse clone user and an editor for Miiverse Clonapedia. He was an administrator on Closedverse and a moderator for the Indigo rehost

User Statistics

Usernames: RevolutionGraoua (Miiverse, Closedverse, Oasis, Indigo)

User IDs: #2511 (Closedverse, joined 2017-11-05 at 10:59 PM)


Pandoro 64 joined Miiverse in late 2015.

Like most French users, Pandoro joined Closedverse in November of 2017. He usually made memes and other posts, though in early 2018 Pandoro gained notoriety after provoking several users, both in and out of the French community, including staff members such as Toast and the French moderator Protector of Closedverse. His ''riots" often led to the demotion of some administrators within the French Community, and gave him the image of an attention-seeking troublemaker among French users.

Pandoro 64 would get banned multiple times, and would create many alts. 

Pandoro 64 would be promoted to moderator, and then administrator, by the French staff member Conan.

During early 2019, Pandoro 64 joined the Reg Gang on Oasis.

Pandoro took a break from Miiverse clones due to personal issues and guilt for his previous actions on Closedverse. On March 3, 2021, he returned to Miiverse clones after making an account on Miiverse clone developer SMF9's Indigo rehost Pandoro became a moderator on the rehost with his own badge.