
Aquamarine's logo.

Former (left) and current (right) Discord server icons for Aquamarine.

Aquamarine, initially known as NoNameVerse and later Sapphire, is an upcoming Miiverse clone created by the user NoNameGiven. It was made using Node.js, rather than being based on Grape or another existing Miiverse clone, as NoNameGiven stated that he hated "low-effort Miiverse clones".


Early photo of NoNameVerse.

NoNameGiven began sharing development screenshot of NoNameVerse on the Miiverse Clonapedia Discord server on August 27, 2023. He also made a Discord server for the clone, where he would post development updates, including a video of him accessing NoNameVerse and Yeahing a post.

The clone was initially available on browser under, and could also be accessed on Wii U.

Browser screenshot of NoNameVerse.

Rename to Sapphire

As development continued, NoNameGiven announced that NoNameVerse would be renamed to Sapphire on September 28, 2023. Sapphire was shut down for continued development on October 4. It was rehosted on October 6. On October 11 at approximately 6 PM PST, Sapphire's server was shut down to fix an issue of the server crashing. It was brought back up an hour later.

On September 14, 2023, a chatroom feature was implemented on NoNameGiven's website, under Some of the admins of the Sapphire server warned members not to go on the chatroom due to raids occurring. That same day, the server was shut down once again. After a new domain was purchased, Sapphire was brought back on October 19 under However, the server was shut down again for continued development.

On November 4, 2023, a new Discord server named "Wii U Stuff" was made to be the replacement server for Sapphire after NoNameGiven "made a NSFW image of a frame from a movie" that someone posted on the previous server. This new server gained some activity during November, though activity would return to the original Sapphire server after the situation was resolved.

Rename to Aquamarine

Screenshot of Aquamarine from October 5, 2023.

Photo shared by NoNameGiven on December 17, 2023.

On December 10, 2023, NoNameGiven posted a photo of his 3DS on the Miiverse applet with a blank page that contained the words "Welcome to Aquamarine". A week later on December 17, he posted another photo with both his Wii U and 3DS that showed welcome pages for a Miiverse clone known as "Aquamarine". As of 2024, the rename from Sapphire to Aquamarine has been made official. A to-do list of features was posted to the Aquamarine Discord on January 25, 2024.

Screenshot of Aquamarine from January of 2024.

The Aquamarine to-do list.

Development Halt

NoNameGiven's statement about his internet departure on March 7, 2024.

On March 6, 2024, NoNameGiven suddenly departed without warning, blocking multiple people before he left. At that time, Aquamarine was still up for its testers. One of the testers, mike y, mentioned on the Aquamarine Discord server that the remaining developers and testers were working on moving to a new Discord server and continuing development without NoNameGiven.

The following day, NoNameGiven made a statement on Aquamarine stating his reasons for leaving the internet, stating that he did not want to develop Aquamarine anymore and that he found another project to develop. He also mentioned that he sent someone else a copy of the database. At that point, the remaining developers and testers still had plans to continue development without him.

On March 25, 2024, mike y announced that Aquamarine would "stay closed indefinitely". He mentioned that Aquamarine's source code may be released on a future date, but that it may also be withheld to prevent unwanted rehosts.

Development Continuation and First Release

Screenshot of Aquamarine from April 7, 2024.

On April 3, 2024, NoNameGiven returned from his internet departure, and posted the screenshot above alonside a link to Aquamarine under

On April 7, 2024 at around 10 PM PST, Aquamarine was released to coincide with the shutdown of Nintendo Network the following day. However, on April 8, due to Nintendo shutting down their token generation servers, Aquamarine could no longer run on Nintendo's servers. NoNameGiven announced that development for Aquamarine would continue and that he planned to make his own server to run Aquamarine on.

Screenshot of from April 28, 2024.

On April 20, 2024, a website for Aquamarine was launched under A site for Aquamarine's dev server was also published under This is a view-only version of Aquamarine, and users are unable to post or sign in/sign up from it.

On April 28, 2024, was updated to include community viewing and the ability to make posts. While signups had not been implemented yet, those who made an Aquamarine account before Nintendo Network's shutdown were able to sign in to the site.