
"Final Closedverse" logo from June 23, 2020, made by SMF9.

Screenshot of wakemeupinside.cf.

wakemeupinside.cf was a Closedverse rehost created by SMF9, which he described to be his "final" Miiverse clone. The owners of the site included SMF9, Luna, and Luke. Pip was also an owner, but was kicked out after a raid by other users. Sosig had the owner role on the site, though he was not actually an owner.

SMF9 stated several times that he wanted to buy the domain closed.party, though this decision was not realized.


SMF9 originally worked with Username to create the rehost under the domain becausethefrenchinternoots.ml, which was intended to be released on June 11, 2020 at 12:00 PM PST. However, the site did not release on this deadline, and SMF9 announced that the release would be delayed for a few days. 

Warning message from Google Chrome about wakemeupinside.cf's data breach.

On June 16 at around 11:15 AM PST, the rehost was released under the new domain wakemeupinside.cf. Moderators of the site included Hunter/JuicyTomato (who left prior the site's shutdown), N0where, ioletsgo, Proto, Calix, SRGNation, and Konameme. Users were unable to make posts with images or drawings. At around 3:10 PM PST, the site went down due to a DDoS. The site was brought back up a few hours later. On June 17, a user suspected to be either Username or a member of Hamsta raided the site, which caused it to shut down again.

The site was brought back up under the IP On June 18, Pip created a form that allowed some users to receive a special badge on the rehost. This badge allowed users to access the now deleted community known as the "Cools Community" (Community Number: 36), though otherwise it grants no administrative power. Sign-ups were disabled some time that day.

The link to the site changed again to allofthelights.itisadomain.net on June 19, but it shut down. Then, it was changed back to wakemeupinside.cf, though it went down for a few hours due to a 502 error. At around 7:10 PM PST, image and URL posting permissions were given to all users. Drawings were still not able to be posted.

On June 20, at around 10:40 PM PST, sign-ups for the site were re-enabled, but at the time they did not function properly.

On June 25, around 6:30 AM PST, JuicyTomato deleted several accounts and communities from the database. According to Luna, he deleted 20 users after it was found out that he possessed child porn.

Screenshot of the site from June 27, 2020, before going down.

On June 27, sign-ups were re-enabled for a short period of time before getting disabled again. Later that day, SMF9 demoted Konameme on the site and Cookie on the Discord server, prompting both of them to delete most of the communities and rename the Anything Goes Community to "SMF9 IS STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". SMF9's account was also deleted. A few minutes later, the site went down, and redirected to a blog made by Luna under the link blog.wakemeupinside.cf, where she claimed that the site would be "down for awhile". She also made two other posts regarding sign-ups and the incident involving Hunter (JuicyTomato) deleting users and possessesing child pornography.

Logo for the wakemeupinside.cf Discord server created by Sosig when the site went down on June 27.

In a blog post from June 28, Luna stated that the clone was "attacked" by Pip (although Pip was not involved in the raid the previous day) and that the owners attempted to talk to him about it. She also stated that there "may be a podcast in the works, but that is uncertain."

The rehost went back up on June 29, and the accounts Hunter deleted were restored. Users who had the "cool" badge no longer had it. The remaining owners of the site were SMF9, Sosig, Luna and Luke, though Luna was planning on leaving at the time.

On July 1, wakemeupinside.cf shut down again. SMF9 stated that he shut the site down due to Username getting access to an admin's account. The site was brought back up on July 5.

On July 9, out of retaliation for SMF9 defending Arian and giving him power on the site, Luke changed the Anything Goes community banner and icon to NSFW of the character Link and renamed it to "Dakux defends Arian and Sosig", which got him temporarily demoted. The situation was later resolved with a peace agreement, resulting in Luke getting re-promoted after promising "not to do it again, unless provoked".

On July 10, SMF9 announced that sign-ups were re-enabled again. However, later that day he shut down wakemeupinside.cf, saying "i'll see if in one week i'll do something. if it isn't in one week then it will be in one month, i don't know for now." He later changed his Discord username to "Deleted User 1563f154" (his account has not been deleted) and gave ownership of the clone to Luke. SMF9 claims that he is leaving the clone scene because of Luna, who according to SMF9 "wants to expose me for the dms thing y'know on cv." This refers to SMF9 attempting to erp with several female users on the site, which he claimed was done as a joke.

    Screenshot of the announcements channel on the Closedverse Discord server where SMF9 stated he temporarily shut down the clone and is leaving the clone scene.

wakemeupinside.cf was brought back up on July 11, and the sign-ups began working properly.

On July 12, 2020, the site went down for a few hours due to an error. Later that day, the site was renamed to POOP VERSE, the logo was changed to that of the Bengay cream. The area to type the password in the login page was removed, effectively making users unable to access the site. All of the communities were renamed to “SMF9 IS STUPID LMAO”, and all of the posts were deleted. In addition, a community for hentai was added. SMF9 confirmed that Arian was the one who did this to the site. By the end of the day, the site shut down.

On July 15, the site was brought back up as an Oasis rehost. Drawings were disabled. The Oasis rehost shut down shortly after. On July 16, SMF9 made a rocket.chat instance for the site under rocket.wakemeupinside.cf.

On July 17, Luke stated on the Discord server that SMF9 had resigned as owner, with Luke being the full owner of the site. However, SMF9 stated that he would come back as "the 'owner' or something when I'll be a better person." Later that day, the site was brought back up once again as a Closedverse rehost.

The site shut down on July 18, following the communities getting vandalized with the message "Let CLONES DIE. Please."


Ingdido2's initial logo.

Teaser video for Ingdido2.

On December 31, 2020, a video titled "2021", uploaded by a YouTube channel known as "m", was uploaded to YouTube. At the time, most of the users who saw the video did not know what it meant.

The video was revealed to have been made by SMF9, as a teaser for a Closedverse rehost made by him titled "Ingdido 2" (though later the logo was replaced by the Closedverse logo). The site was released under the same URL, wakemeupinside.cf, on January 10, 2021, making it the first known Miiverse clone to be released that year. New badges were made for Ingdido 2, and some of the community banners were edited.

On January 11, Adrian joined the rehost. He was eventually given administrative powers and a special badge, causing him to vandalize the communities on January 20. After this happened, SMF9 reverted the site to a previous backup, and Adrian's account was deleted. Adrian would make a new account, though this account was banned, leading him to create another account. For a brief period of time, Adrian's account was set to level -1, meaning any user could delete his posts, which was done by Jokko.

On January 13, a user with the username "wow" made a post containing what appeared to be the personal information of the user Dick Dale, including an image of him. Both the post and account were eventually deleted.

On January 27, most of the communities were deleted, with the General Discussion Community and Gaming Community, both using icons and banners from Indigo, being the only remaining communities.

On February 1, all communities were deleted and replaced with a special community displaying a link to a server known as "Pipcord 2", a replica of the Pipcord Discord server. Later that day, SMF9 replaced the community with one known as "end". On the community, he explained that all users' accounts were deleted and sign-ups were disabled. Additionally, he stated that this would be the last time he would host a Miiverse clone, claiming that it would be shut down in a week, and discouraged users from making more clones. As of February 4, wakemeupinside.cf's web server is down.

On March 13, the link kokomo-paradise.gq was used to host a recovered database for the original wakemeupinside.cf.


Screenshot of wakemeupinside.net from June 9, 2024.

wakemeupinside.net is a rehost of Closedverse made by SMF9, and was intended to be the last clone he made. It was made to commemorate the 4 year anniversary of wakemeupinside.cf later that month. It was created on June 2, 2024, the same day as Sillyverse's shutdown, with Jokko being the only other user invited to the site that day. The site was made public on June 3, 2024, and would be advertised both on Twitter and various Discord servers, and would gain about 30 users within the first day. Admins for the site include Jokko, Sosig, and Term.

The site uses a newer version of Closedverse's source code that supports the posting of mp4 files, and has its own community icons and banners. Users are allowed to create their own communities, being given one "community token" to make a community when they sign up. Support for posting gifs was added on June 6, 2024.

On June 26, 2024, SMF9's domain provider took down the site, stating that it was "caught in a security filter". Later that day, SMF9 moved the site to a different domain, wakemeupinside.online.

On June 27, at around 11:25 PM PST, the web server for wakemeupinside.online went down. It went back up around 50 minutes later.