"Indigo is a social network and Miiverse clone that allows you to discuss all kinds of topics with your fellow users.
Lots of interesting and fun features have been added to enhance your experience, and we go out of our way to make sure we're only promoting the right people, so you won't ever have to worry about your posts being ruined by a rogue administrator. You're sure to have fun here!"
The old and new versions of Indigo's logo.
Indigo was a Miiverse clone created by a team of developers (known as the Indigo Team) led by Ben. It was written in Golang, and has an indigo (hence its name) color scheme for its dark mode as opposed to Closedverse's dark gray.
Indigo's menu for importing posts from Archiverse and other Miiverse clones.
Some of the unique features Indigo had were:
Live posting, commenting, and messaging (the site does not need to be refreshed for new content to appear, though this feature went on and off during Indigo's lifespan)
The ability for users to create group messages with their friends
The ability for users to create polls to add on to their posts
Different designs for communities such as the General Discussion (Indigo's equivalent to Closedverse's Anything Goes) and Serious Discussion communities
The ability to transfer posts from Miiverse (via Archiverse) and other clones (such as Closedverse, Cedar, Oasis, Openverse, and Ciiverse). This feature apparently worked even if the account on the clone whose posts would be imported was deleted
The ability for a user to customize their background, which also appears to any user visiting their page
The ability for users to repost their own or other users' posts, which was infamously spammed by several users who ended up makingÂ
The ability for users to upload mp3s and videos, and create blank posts with uploaded images and gifs
The ability to embed Spotify and SoundCloud links in addition to YouTube
The ability for users to mute words
Development, Planning, and Advertising
During June of 2018, as Nova began development, Pip made a post in Closedverse's Anything Goes Community, jokingly asking Ben and SRGNation if they wanted to develop a Miiverse Clone with him. To his surprise, they both said yes, and the three of them announced "Multiverse", a "crossover" between Oasis, Pearl, and Ciiverse, the clones that Pip, Ben, and SRGNation worked on respectively. However, Jod made fun of the clone and would later made fun of one of Ben's dead relatives. Due to this, the site was nearly cancelled; however, Pip convinced Ben and SRGNation to stay, and they would develop the clone in private for about a month.
Screenshot of an early build for Indigo.
Big decisions were made during this time, such as plans to bring the site closer to Miiverse with a Game Log and a more classic interface. The team also considered renaming "Communities" to "Hubs", though this plan was scrapped. The name "Indigo" was chosen by the developers because indigo is one of the last colors in the rainbow, and Indigo was intended be the clone to end all clones. To fit the name, the palette of the site became indigo-colored.
During this time, the three developers added Gnarly to the Indigo Team, and he helped create the Indigo announcement trailer. The trailer was eventually released on July 17, 2018. At first, the Closedverse userbase showed no interest, however, as PF2M and members of Staffcord's control over Closedverse became increasingly unpopular, interest in Indigo increased.
After the public announcement, Spicy joined the Indigo Team to help develop banners and give advice on how the administration would work. Additionally, a user proficient in programming named Triangles joined the Indigo Team, though he apparently did little according to a rant post by Ben. During this time, an "Indigo Direct" was planned, but the idea was scrapped.
At the same time, Nova's development was experiencing difficulties due to conflicts between the developers. Arian left the team, and development slowed. In addition, Seth felt Eric was not doing enough work for the site and was concerned that Eric's reputation would drive users away. Eric and Ben would constantly feud in the Anything Goes Community. During late August of 2018, PF2M made a group chat on Discord with the Indigo and Nova developers, attempting to settle the feud, though the discussion would dissolve into random topics.
A list of features that were planned for Indigo. While some were implemented during Indigo's lifespan, others were not.
Seth messaged Ben and offered to join the Indigo Team, on one condition - the developers rewrite the code in Golang, which was the language Nova was using. PF2M found out about this offer, and decided to make another group chat to discuss merging Nova and Indigo into one clone. For both sides, the idea sounded like a good deal: the Nova developers needed the popularity and excitement that Indigo had, and Indigo needed the expert developers that Nova had. Eventually, it was decided that Nova would merge into Indigo. Nova's codebase was used, and the name and interface of Indigo was used. Indigo's logo was updated to feature the letter "i" as a planet, to reference Nova and the merge. Due to his history with Ben and feeling betrayed, Eric would not join the Indigo Team.
By the fall of 2018, Seth left the development team along with Triangles (although Triangles would eventually return). It was around this time Arian would start taking Closedverse less seriously, giving random users staff. This chaos on Closedverse made the userbase even more excited for the release of Indigo.
One of the Indigo posters Ben shared, which he planned to take to New York City.
In order to attract more attention to the site, Ben considered making posters advertising Indigo and taking them to New York City, though this plan was never realized.
Release and Events
Ad made for Indigo following its release, describing its release date as the "day everyone collectively ditched Closedverse."
Post made to advertise Indigo on, hours before its release.
Multiple betas for Indigo would be released privately throughout the fall of 2018. Links to these betas included (a version of the Indigo beta that was hosted by Arian),,, In late September, Indigo was released privately, with only members of the Indigo Team, along with chosen beta testers, being allowed to sign up. This demo was taken down due to some users leaking the link to it, but returned shortly after.
On October 27, 2018 at around 12 PM PST, Indigo was released to the public under Indigo's launch marked the beginning of the mass migration of users from Closedverse, due to Indigo having more features and a more promising administration compared to Closedverse.
Due to the size of Indigo's userbase, the site was prone to the same drama Closedverse had. Several threads were made to expose certain users, most notably a thread made by the user Henry about Mochi. The group known as JSN came to prominence for exposing the behavior of users they deemed "degenerates".
Initially, PF2M was the owner, but eventually left the community (though he continued to host the site). Ownership of the site was effectively given over to Pip. This was part of the reason why Pip gave ownership of Oasis to Miles.
Most of the Indigo Team would not stick around for most of the site's lifespan. Ben had all but left clones, SRGNation would become very inactive, Spicy would leave Miiverse clones altogether, Seth quit the team before the launch, and PF2M would stop using the site and simply host it about a month after launch. The remaining members of the Indigo Team were Pip, Triangles, and Gnarly.
Around January of 2019, the user Tutikaz demanded the Indigo Team to make him a moderator. Around this time, the userbase became wary of people who were deemed pedophiles or were otherwise perverted. Tutikaz promised that he would ban these "degenerate" users, but the team grew suspicious of what he would do for the site. Eventually, the Indigo Team agreed to promote Tutikaz. After writing a formal post in the General Discussion Community about his newfound moderator status, Tutikaz began permanently banning users who he deemed were pedophiles, a decision that was praised by most of the userbase. However, he would also delete posts denouncing him, and would sometimes ban users who disliked him, making him unpopular among some users.
Due to how quickly Tutikaz was deleting posts and banning users, the staff team argued that he was being too harsh in his punishments. Believing that he would be demoted, Tutikaz began rallying JSN members to make posts in support of him to retain the support of the general userbase. Due to the amount of support he got from the userbase, Tutikaz began to delete posts and ban users that were not breaking the rules, simply due to them being "unfunny". The staff initially wanted to demote him, but a rumor spread that he had doxxed around 30 users and was going to release the info if demoted. The Indigo Team, feeling blackmailed, decided not to demote Tutikaz but lowered his moderator permissions.
On February 17, 2019, the Indigo Team came to the conclusion that the rumor was likely false, and decided to demote Tutikaz after he started deleting all posts made in the General Discussion Community. After his demands to regain his moderator status proved ineffective, Tutikaz made a post detailing incriminating evidence about PF2M, concluding the thread by doxxing him. As a result, PF2M shut down the site. The link to the site would redirect to a music video, and later displayed an image of The Gray Garden character Yosafire. When Indigo shut down, most of the userbase migrated to Oasis.
Various rehosts of Indigo were made following its shutdown.
Some of these rehosts include:
Shell community page.
Shell was a public Indigo rehost made by Luna. It was initially hosted under the domain, though afterwards it became private. The Closedverse Out of Context Twitter account tweeted a screenshot of the clone, which received numerous replies questioning what the clone was and why it was made. The web server experienced a shutdown on May 23, 2020. It is currently down permanently, due to server funds running out and issues with the website staying up.
In addition to Shell, Luna has also made three other Indigo rehosts.
Screenshot of Universe.
Universe was a French Indigo rehost believed to be created in either late 2019 or early 2020. It was hosted locally. Not much else is known about it.
Main Article: Nextverse
Screenshot of
Unofficial Blueberry logo. is an Indigo rehost made by SMF9. It was released on February 13, 2021.
When the clone was made, Adrian joined and became an administrator for the site, with his own badge. On February 20, however, Pip became an administrator on the clone and banned Adrian. Sosig would also become an administrator. Several more users, including Barthouse12 and Jokko, were banned that day, likely by SMF9. Adrian would be unbanned the next day, before being banned again.
On February 23, all users with Miis had them changed to ioletsgo's Mii.
On February 26, SMF9's account was deleted and Pip was no longer admin, leaving Sosig as the only admin on the site, who would pin two posts on the General Discussion Community.
On March 1, Adrian returned to the rehost and became an administrator, and proceeded to ban every other user, delete all posts, and spam the General Discussion Community. SMF9 recovered the site the next day, and Adrian was banned once again.
On March 4, French user Colombine joined the rehost and became an administrator for the site, eventually getting a unique badge. In addition, on March 7 the developer Bakayun became an "Advertiser" on Indigo with his own badge.
There was a vote by Pip to change the name to either Blueberry or AmongUsVerse, though he stated that the decision was still up to SMF9.
Change to Closedverse
Kokomo logo used on the Closedverse rehost.
On March 10, 2021, the Indigo rehost was shut down and replaced with a Closedverse rehost under the same link. Pip was briefly administrator, before he got demoted and Adrian was put in as administrator instead. On March 11, the clone was rebranded as a "mini-Anarchyverse" with minimal rules. On March 12, the logo for was changed to the image above, and the site's color was changed to green instead of Closedverse's default blue. SMF9 also made a Discord server for the site that day.
On March 13, the rehost was reset, with all posts and users being deleted. Later that day, the site was changed to a recovered database of On March 14, was shut down and replaced with a rehost of Oasis under
On December 11, 2021, the database of the Indigo version of was recovered under This link was previously used two days prior to bring back Nextverse. has been shut down as of December 18, 2021.
April Fools' Indigo Rehost
Logo for the April Fools' Indigo rehost.
On April 1, 2021, an Indigo rehost under was created by Pip. This rehost claimed to be "brought back" by United States President Joe Biden, who Pip posed as on the site. SMF9 and Super would also get badges on the site, with the latter using his "Florida badge" that had not been used on an actual clone before. Adrian would make multiple accounts and spam some of the communities (though not the General Discussion Community) before getting banned.
During the day, the rehost was shut down.
Rehost by Term (
In January of 2022, Term posted on CloneMii that he was able to rehost Indigo, and that he might use it sometime in the future.
A teaser for a planned rehost of Indigo.
On January 23, 2022, Term uploaded a video of an "unused teaser" for an Indigo rehost. Based on the description, the rehost was likely scrapped. However, Term would eventually release an Indigo rehost under in April of 2022. This rehost has since shut down.
Rehost by basederen
Screenshot of the rehost.
On August 5, 2022, the user basederen posted a screenshot of an Indigo rehost he made after learning to compile with the Go language. The clone was simply titled "Miiverse".
On August 16, 2022, Term released an Indigo rehost under It has since shut down.
.onion rehost
Screenshot of the .onion Indigo rehost.
On September 26, 2022, the user Komfudo hosted a rehost of Indigo under a dark web .onion domain, with the full link being eeghkrkzeczms5vubg4iefmosqsz73d776r5pbugkt4fzfjgksattwid.onion. It was shut down later that day, before being hosted again the next day. As a .onion domain, it could only be accessed via Tor browser. It has likely been shut down as Komfudo stated that it was only made for testing purposes and wasn't meant to be rehosted again.
Screenshot of was an Indigo rehost made by Arian. It was released on May 19, 2023. It has since shut down. The user Komfudo was given the password to the admin database, who then went on to give the password to Braden. The banner for the site's main community was changed numerous times by those who had access to the database, including to an image of goatse. At one point on May 20, the database password was changed and all users except for Arian were seemingly deleted. The password was changed back, though the site was shut down temporarily at around 1:40 PM PST. Later than day, at around 3:20 PM PST, the rehost was brought back up. Since May 29, 2023, it has been shut down.
Screenshot of was a rehost of Indigo made by Term that was released on August 3, 2023. Its database would reset every hour. It was eventually shut down. was a rehost of Indigo made by Rixy in September of 2023. It has since been shut down.
Screenshot of was a rehost of Indigo made by Minihoot in late September of 2023. The two specific instances of it were and It has since shut down.
Drawing of Indigo's logo by Aymo, using the drawing tool.
Early screenshot of from September 23, 2023. was a rehost of Indigo created by Aymo and released on September 22, 2023.
Concept screenshots of LeafGreen.
On September 24, 2023, Aymo uploaded concept screenshots of a clone known as "LeafGreen" with the codename "Bulbaverse V3", which used Indigo as a base. Later that day, he would use to host a clone known as "LeafIndigo", replacing the previous rehost.
Screenshots of from September 30, 2023.
On September 30, 2023, Aymo repurposed the domain to rehost Cedar-Django. That same day, the domain was again repurposed for a rehost of Closedverse. The site has since shut down.
(Not to be confused with the Miiverse clone of the same name.)
RiiVerse's logo.
Screenshot of RiiVerse.
RiiVerse was a rehost of Indigo made by zynthrodak. It was released on July 15, 2024, under A Discord server for the site would be made on the same day. On July 16, zynthrodak ran a poll on the Discord server for what the new domain for RiiVerse would be, with receiving the most votes. As of July 24, RiiVerse has shut down, and the domain has yet to be used.