
"Oasis is your personal Closedverse getaway. If you like Closedverse but don't like its users or administration, then this is the place for you."

Oasis's logo.

The Clone Forest has a gallery for Oasis.


Planning and Release

Sometime in early 2018, Pip announced that he was learning programming in order to make a Miiverse clone known as Oasis. Oasis was intended to be a "Closedverse getaway" due to the administration problems Closedverse had at the time. PF2M helped Pip set up the site and would be responsible for hosting it. Despite Oasis being advertised as a rival to Closedverse, Closedverse's creator Arian was the one to set up Oasis's server.

On May 18, 2018, Oasis was up and running for the first time under oasis.100percentnig.ga, although this was supposed to be a private server until the logo and name were changed. However, Arian was able to find the URL and sent it to the user Morel as a joke. Morel proceeded to post the link to the Anything Goes Community on Closedverse, not knowing that the site was not yet public. This incident forced Pip and PF2M to "release" the site prematurely, and furthered the animosity between Pip and Morel.

Some of the mods of this rendition of Oasis included Spicy, Ethan, Miguel, and Bandey. Oasis had a blue-green color scheme as opposed to Closedverse's blue color scheme. Oasis had several bugs, and was temporarily shut down as a result of the bloated server.

Oasis would initially receive a significant amount of attention from the Closedverse userbase immediately following its release, with over 100 accounts being made in the span of about a day. By the end of May, Oasis would have over 300 accounts. The initial hype for Oasis would eventually die down, however, and most of the userbase went back to using Closedverse, though Oasis would receive occasional activity, especially from users who decided to stop using Closedverse in favor of it.

Since at least September of 2018, the user Triangles began participating in Oasis's development.

Before Indigo was released, Oasis was shut down temporarily so PF2M could focus on funding the former. When Pip became the owner of Indigo, he stepped down as owner of Oasis, and a new owner would take his place, funding Oasis's reopening and periodically paying for the server.

In January of 2019, Oasis was moved to the domain becausetheinternet.ga.


Oasis didn't see much activity in the following months as people were still using Closedverse and, after its release, Indigo. This would change in February of 2019, when Indigo shut down and the userbase migrated to Oasis, significantly increasing its activity.

Oasis eventually shut down on April 14, 2019 by PF2M due to the "growing toxic userbase", likely referring to the expose posts made by the Reg Gang. PF2M deleted the server, and got into an argument with the owner about it on Discord.

Oasis's shutdown is commonly cited as the end of the "Miiverse clone era", as it was the last clone to have both a lot of activity and a large userbase. Over 1500 accounts were made on Oasis during its lifespan.


Oasis Rewritten

Oasis Rewritten, before and after it got suspended.

One of the posts on Oasis Rewritten.

On April 1, 2020, Pip "brought back" Oasis as an April Fools joke. The "rewritten" Oasis was a rehost of MVWorld under the domain because-the-inter.net. There was a single community, and only Pip could post on it, though anyone could comment on his posts. The first post Pip made on this community received over 600 comments before the domain suspended. Pip stated that whoever made the best post on the site would get to choose what to host on the domain for a day. The domain used for Oasis Rewritten would later be used for Pip's website.

The site got suspended on 12:06 PM PST, and Pip declared that Jokko was the winner. It was re-opened the next day for a brief period before suspending again. On Jokko's request, the database was changed to a picture of the Belly Bros, with links below it leading to Miiverse Clonapedia and a Google Drive folder of Jokko's comics.

Election Oasis

Screenshot of the home page of Election Oasis.

On the morning of November 2, 2020, the day before the United States Election Day, Pip announced on Twitter that he would be revealing something later that night. This would be revealed to be "Election Oasis", a version of Oasis meant to be used for one day. Like Oasis Rewritten, this version of Oasis was a rehost of MVWorld, this time under electionoasis.ga. According to the home page, Election Oasis was a "haven for those on social media during the 2020 United States Elections". The clone featured a General Discussion Community, along with communities made to show support for each of the running presidential candidates at the time. Moderators of the site include Pip, Harrier, Konameme, and Bib.

The site was known to frequently display error messages due to the free web host using all of its processing power, which would become a small joke among the members of Pip's Discord server, Pipcord. At 6:09 PM PST, the domain of Election Oasis was suspended. Pip stated that he had plans to bring Election Oasis back up in the morning of Election Day, though the database would likely be reset.

At around 12:18 PM PST the following day, Election Oasis was brought back under because-the-inter.net (although the former URL would also work), the same link used for Oasis Rewritten and Pip's personal website. All non-moderator users had their accounts and posts deleted. As it became apparent that the election results would not be decided within Election Night, Pip changed his plan for shutting down election Oasis, stating that he would be closing the site on 5:30 AM PST the day after the official results of the presidential election were published. Due to the closeness of the election, the site would remain up for the coming days.

Pip shut down Election Oasis on November 8, 2020, the day after all major news networks projected Joe Biden won the state of Pennsylvania. The shutdown happened later than scheduled, as Pip attended church in the morning that day and planned to shut the site down after he came back home. Later that day, he uploaded a now deleted short video explaining what Election Oasis was.


Screenshot of oasis.500percentnig.ga.

Following the shutdown of the Indigo-turned-Closedverse rehost kokomo-paradise.gq, Miiverse clone developer SMF9 made a rehost of Oasis under oasis.500percentnig.ga on March 14, 2021. Adrian and Sosig were made staff members of the site. On Pipcord, Pip's server, Pip made an announcement to members of the server to ignore the link to the rehost if SMF9 sent it, and to not sign up since the site can get users' IPs. Despite this warning, 31 users signed up for the clone and 227 posts were made on the first day. On March 15, Freenom, the domain provider, banned the domain, causing SMF9 to move the rehost to wakemeupinside.cf. However, on March 16, Freenom banned this domain as well, causing SMF9 to buy a domain from another provider. The rehost was then moved to le-kokomo.party. Adrian and Sosig would have their own unique badges, and Jokko would become an admin. In addition, some users would get the "Cools" badge from the original wakemeupinisde.cf.


"Miipedia is like Clonapedia, except we have no bias towards the lore and history of Miiverse and it's subsequent clones. Here you will have fully fledged content about Miiverse clones and their history in a genuine way."

Logo for Miipedia.

On March 21, 2021, SMF9, with the help of Adrian and Sosig, deleted all posts and communities and turned the Oasis rehost into "Miipedia: A Clone Encyclopedia", or simply "Miipedia" for short. As the name implies, Miipedia was intended to be a Miiverse clone-based encyclopedia, without the alleged bias of Miiverse Clonapedia. Articles were planned to be made as posts, sorted into different communities. SMF9 has made multiple logos for the site, with the one above being the latest one. The site was colored red.

On March 22, the Anything Goes Community and Announcements Community were made for Miipedia. Adrian also mentioned the change in plan to create user articles similar to those of Closedverse Dramatica.

Closedverse Rehost

Screenshot of le-kokomo.party on March 26, 2021.

Miipedia was shut down on March 26, 2021 and replaced with a rehost of Closedverse. This rehost would later be shut down.


Screenshot of ggggggggggg.ga from March of 2022.

On March 15, 2022, Miiverse clone developers DaKux and Rixy created a rehost of Oasis under ggggggggggg.ga. It was publicly launched on March 20, with Term becoming the co-owner of the site and Sosig becoming an administrator. Posts and communities can only be viewed with an account.

Screenshot of ggggggggggg.ga from May 29, 2022.

The "default" Mii for users on the Oasis rehost following its reset.

On May 25, 2022, ggggggggggg.ga's database was reset after DaKux gave a user permission to. All posts, accounts, and communities were deleted, with the communities being replaced by different ones altogether. Some users have had their Miis set to the one shown above, which remains unchanged even if the user changes their NNID. The database was reverted to its previous state on May 30, 2022. A few days later, Sosig changed the icons, banners, and names of most of the communities.

On June 16, 2022, ggggggggggg.ga was spammed with pornographic images. Around this time period, most of the users were deleted. The spam was eventually deleted. The following day, after a raid, Sosig restricted posting so that users whose accounts were made on or after June 17 could not post.

On June 29, 2022, due to domain issues, the site was moved to welcomenig.ga. It was shut down a day later.


Elonmuskverse's logo.

Elonmuskverse was a rehost of Oasis created by DaKux in February of 2023, under 100percentn.ga. The link 100percentn.ga:8080 lead to a rehost of Adrianverse. Elonmuskverse was temporarily shut down on March 17, 2023 before coming back shortly after. It was later permanently shut down later that month.

Fixed Oasis

On November 8, 2023, the user gray posted a GitHub link on Cedar-Django, which was meant to be a "fixed" version of Oasis. Not much is known about this Oasis modification, as the GitHub page has since been taken down.