
The frowning and smiling default profile pictures on Closedverse.

The term "user" generally refers to either an individual account on a Miiverse clone, or a person that uses Miiverse clones.


"Create a Closedverse account to make posts and comments to various communities, give Yeahs to other users' content, and interact with other members of the Closedverse community."

"User" could be a synonym for account. 

Accounts can be made by pressing the sign in button on a Miiverse clone and clicking the link to sign up. The account must have a User ID, which cannot be changed without contacting an admin. The account can then be given a username, which can be changed and colorized. Additionally, an account can be set to an email in order to change the account's password. The account can use an NNID to display a mii as a profile picture which can change depending on the reaction set for a post.

An account on a Miiverse clone has the ability to do these functions:

Accounts have several statistics which can be seen on their user page. They have a user ID which displays the chronological order of the account (for example, a User ID of #2548 means that 2547 accounts have previously been made on the site). The date and time that the account signed up is also displayed, as well as the date and time the user last used the account. Accounts have a few features that can be customized, such as the region, preferred pronouns, and a URL.


When an account is made, it automatically has an administrative level of 0. Accounts of higher levels (mods or admins) can delete posts made by accounts of lower levels. The ability to ban accounts is typically reserved for admins, and the length of the ban can be changed by the admin. They may also promote accounts to certain levels such as mod or admin, though this depends on the account's level. Mods and admins usually have a badge displayed on the top left corner, as well as blue text above their username displaying their rank. Accounts made by users involved with the creation of a clone typically have the highest power of all the mods and admins. On rare cases, a account can be demoted to level -1, which allow other accounts of no administrative power to delete that account's posts.

Person Who Uses Miiverse Clones

The other definition for "user" is a much simpler and broader one: a person who uses Miiverse clones, or at least signed up for one.

Under this definition, a person who has a main and an alt account would still be considered one user, even though they are two separate accounts. This definition is also used to define a "userbase": a Miiverse clone with 100 accounts made by 100 different people would be considered larger than a clone with 1000 accounts made by one person.

Users gain prominence based on their personality and the type of content they post. Some users are followed for their memes, some users are followed for their art, and some users are followed for their personality or ideas. Some users are criticized for their behavior, and become controversial among the userbase. Because users are people and people have different ideas of what is right and wrong, drama ends up being very common on clones with large userbases.

Users and accounts are listed on this section. Groups will also be listed here. Most users listed here are prominent for something on the clones, though they don't have to be. A user's "user statistics" are displayed before their history. This section displays their known usernames, user IDs, and join dates on different Miiverse clones.

Please note that many of these users have changed significantly since they left clones, and would not want to be associated with them anymore. Miiverse Clonapedia does not endorse using this information to harass anybody.