News and announcements are put here. Latest news is displayed first.
June 8, 2022: GhostyBlox is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
May 28, 2022: Ondrashek06 is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
May 25, 2022: Braden is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
September 16, 2021: Pip is removed from the editor team as he has left the internet. -TheBellsprout101
August 31, 2021: Miiverse Clonapedia, the Clone Forest, and the Clone Post have all been converted to New Google Sites. -TheBellsprout101
August 5, 2021: (Archived notice) On September 1, 2021, sites made with Classic Google Sites will no longer be viewable, including Miiverse Clonapedia and its sub-sites. In order to remain viewable, Miiverse Clonapedia and related sites will be converted to the new Google Sites by the end of the month, under the same links. The site will have to adopt a new look, which may break some features and require fixing. Please stay tuned for more details. -TheBellsprout101
July 16, 2021: Rix is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
May 23, 2021: Terminal is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
March 7, 2021: Colombine is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
February 8, 2021: datyoshi is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
February 7, 2021: Russian Boss has been removed from the editor team per his request. -TheBellsprout101
December 17, 2020: vladik252010 is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
July 31, 2020: Cosmo and Luna are added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
July 13, 2020: SMF9 has been removed from the editor team after he claimed that he was leaving the Miiverse clone community. -TheBellsprout101
July 2, 2020: The home page has been edited to be more compact and lively. The about and contact pages have been removed, and the information is now displayed on the home page. In addition, the editor application form has been updated. -TheBellsprout101
June 29, 2020: Russian Boss is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
June 25, 2020: JuicyTomato has been removed from the editor team following his deletion of many accounts and his claim that he wants to leave the Miiverse clone community. -TheBellsprout101
June 20, 2020: SMF9 is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
June 18, 2020: JuicyTomato is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
June 7, 2020: The Clone Post was created to host Miiverse clone news. -TheBellsprout101
May 29, 2020: Luke is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
May 23, 2020: Konameme is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
April 28, 2020: Disabled Google Sites’s auto-sorting and manually sorted all the articles. -TheBellsprout101
April 24, 2020: Pip is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
April 7, 2020: Clone Forest has been created to house images and other things. -TheBellsprout101
April 5, 2020: Made the background for the site Miiverse-themed. -TheBellsprout101
March 28, 2020: Proto is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
March 16, 2020: Gnarly is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
March 14, 2020: ioletsgo is added to the editor team. -TheBellsprout101
March 13, 2020: I shared access to this site with my backup email to see what power editors can have on the site.
I also found out that all of the dates on this page were listed as 2019. I have no idea how this went unnoticed.
Update: Editing is here! Check the Editing section of the Home menu for more details. -TheBellsprout101
March 8, 2020: Archived all the pages on this site. Also found out that you can edit Google Sites on mobile so I'll be able to do more edits, hopefully. -TheBellsprout101
January 12, 2020: I'm starting school soon, so expect updates to this site to slow down. Also, the twitter page for Miiverse Clonapedia has been created. -TheBellsprout101
Updated site's interface to include a logo and more information on the sidebar. -TheBellsprout101
January 9, 2020: News page is created. -TheBellsprout101
January 6, 2020: Miiverse Clonapedia is created. -TheBellsprout101