Miiverse Clone General Timeline

Notice as of April 2024: This article is currently outdated and in the process of renovation.

This article will attempt to construct a timeline of Miiverse clones, from their beginnings to today. Segments of the timeline will be divided into different eras, with significant events listed as bullet points. This timeline obviously does not include all of the events, but it will present most of the important events in chronological order.

The Emergence

This is the where the timeline starts, with the creation of Xboxverse, the first known Miiverse clone. Not a lot happened during this era, at least to common knowledge, but it is still the point where the concept of Miiverse clones began. It should be noted that while Xboxverse is considered the first Miiverse clone, it is ultimately disconnected from the rest of Miiverse clone history, and therefore carries little relevance to the rest of the timeline outside of being the first Miiverse clone.

Timespan: Began early 2013

Pre-Clone Era

It would not be until the beginning of 2017 when the concept of Miiverse clones would be seriously considered outside of Japan. Despite this, from 2014 to 2016 there was still an effort by Miiverse users to create Miiverse-oriented communities elsewhere on the internet, in the form of wikis and forums.

Clone Renaissance Era

This is the era where several Miiverse clones would begin development and be released. Like the forums that preceeded them, the creation of these clones was partially influenced by the problems Miiverse had following its redesign in 2015, and the announcement of the platform's closure in August of 2017. This era is the precursor to the Miiverse Clone Era, as while it marks the creation of Miiverse clones as they are known today, it would not be until Closedverse's release that Miiverse clones would achieve a large userbase with high levels of activity.

Timespan: January 2017 to September 8, 2017

Miiverse Clone Era

The term "Miiverse Clone Era" is meant to encompass the time period when Miiverse clones maintained a large userbase and a high amount of activity, and can also be described as the time period when Miiverse clones were "in their prime". Despite the coexistence of multiple Miiverse clones, activity would usually be concentrated on one dominant Miiverse clone. For most of this time period, the dominant Miiverse clone in terms of activity was Closedverse, with its release marking the beinning of this era. Indigo would replace Closedverse as the dominant clone following its release in October of 2018. Following Indigo's shutdown in February of 2019, Oasis would replace it as the dominant clone, and therefore the shutdown of Oasis in April of 2019 marks the end of this era. Therefore, the "Miiverse Clone Era" is actually the combination of three different eras, the Closedverse Era, the Indigo Era, and the Oasis Era.

While Miiverse clones would continue to be made after the end of this era, and are still being made to this day, none of them have managed to come close to the dominant Miiverse clones in this era in terms of both userbase size and activity level.

Overall Timespan: September 9, 2017 to April 14, 2019

Closedverse Era

Closedverse's release started a long era in which Closedverse was the dominant Miiverse clone. This was the era when Miiverse shut down. Compared to prior Miiverse clones, Closedverse experienced unprecedented levels of activity, and experienced unprecedented levels of drama as a result.

The Closedverse Era will be divided into different periods due to the numerous events.

Overall Timespan: September 9, 2017 to October 27, 2018

Arian Period

This was the period when Arian was the owner of Closedverse. During this period, there was a lot of controversy over Arian's moderation job and fishy behavior.

Timespan: September 9, 2017 to May 2, 2018


PF2M Period

PF2M's takeover of the site initially signaled new changes. Because of this, and other factors including new clones like Oasis and Nova being announced, the future of Miiverse clones was looked at with optimism. However, the rise in power of a group known as Staffcord on Closedverse led to major issues and controversies, such as Gnarly getting banned.

Timespan: May 3, 2018 to September 2, 2018

Pre-Indigo Period

The Pre-Indigo Period is the shortest of the three periods, lasting less than two months. During this time, Jod, who will be referred to as Mochi due to coming out as transgender, was effectively given ownership of Closedverse. Arian announced a few shutdown dates for Closedverse, such as October 31 and November 7, though as these dates came and went, the site managed to stay open.

Timespan: September 3, 2018 to October 27, 2018

Indigo Era

Closedverse's long reign over the Miiverse clones ended after Indigo was released to the public. Indigo was advertised for its new features and having a better administration team. Indigo marked the first ever permanent mass migration from one Miiverse clone to another. Because of the adopted userbase Indigo had, Indigo also experienced a lot of events and drama. Very little of this era has been preserved, as Indigo had not been archived to the extent that Closedverse had.

Timespan: October 28, 2018 to February 16, 2019


Oasis Era

Oasis existed months before Indigo shut down, but after Indigo's closure, users migrated again to Oasis, and therefore the site experienced a lot of activity. This was the last major era of Miiverse clones, as the active userbase Miiverse clones had was lost, and would end up scattered throughout the internet.

Timespan: February 17, 2019 to April 14, 2019

Post-Clone Era

The "Post-Clone Era" is the era following Oasis's shutdown and the subsequent end of the Miiverse Clone Era, and is the era that we are currently in. Miiverse Clonapedia was made during this era. While Miiverse clones would continue to be made after the end of the Miiverse Clone Era, none have reached the level of activity that the dominant clones from the Miiverse Clone Era had. Some clones such as wakemeupinside.cf, CloneMii, Cedar-Django, and Sillyverse would receive a notable amount of users and activity, even if said activity is small compared to clones of the Miiverse Clone Era.

Ironically, this era is when the majority of Miiverse clones would be made, though the majority of these clones would see very little activity. The majority of these clones would be rehosts using past Miiverse clones' source codes, with the most frequently rehosted clones being Closedverse, Ultima, and Galaxy Plaza (the latter two themselves being derivatives of Miiverse World).

This era features two separate yet overlapping periods: The "Lingering Period" and the "Neo-Clone Period".

Overall Timespan: Started April 14, 2019

Lingering Period

Following the shutdown of Oasis, the once-centralized Miiverse clone community became scattered across the internet in places like Twitter. However, as the name "Lingering Period" suggests, a subset of the Miiverse clone community "lingered" on, as there would still be certain centralized places where a portion of the former Miiverse clone userbase would gather, including Miiverse clones such as the April Fools' clone Oasis Rewritten and the Closedverse rehost wakemeupinside.cf. This also included various Discord servers made by former clone users such as Konameme and Pip. The end of this period is marked by the deletion of Pip's Discord server, Pipcord, on September 15, 2021, as that was the last place to feature a significant concentration of former Miiverse clone users.