MV World
MV World's logo.
Miiverse World (typically shortened to MV World) was a Miiverse clone created by PF2M, and later ran by SRGNation.
MV World was released on February 22, 2019 under It was unique in that its home page wasn't the communities page, but rather a separate page with information about the site. PF2M stated several features the site offered on its GitHub page, including an improved feed and the ability to post outside of communities. MV World had a discovery page for users and communities, as well as unique features such as tagging and private communities. It was also said to have "the most complex search system of any Miiverse clone."
Any user in this version of MV World was allowed to make a community. There was also a feature that allowed users to purge their posts, deleting all their posts at once.
While the Miiverse clone was created by PF2M, ownership of the clone was given to SRGNation, an admin on the site, shortly after its release. The domain to MV World was changed to on February 24, 2019. was also used as a domain at one point.
Miiverse clone themes, alongside dark mode, were added to MV World on September 28, 2019. These themes included ones that replicated the style of Miiverse, Closedverse, Ciiverse, Oasis, and Indigo.
Rebrand to Ultima
Project ULTIMA’s logo.
On November 2, 2019, SRGNation announced that MV World would be officially renamed to Project ULTIMA (later renamed to simply Ultima on January 17, 2020). It initially used the same domain as before, but was changed to in December of 2019 after Meltstrap offered the domain to SRGNation. The domain was later changed to On February 29, 2020, SRGNation announced that she would shut down ULTIMA, leading some people to say their goodbyes and others to spam and make Public Miis. ULTIMA shut down the next day.
Proto's "Goodbye, Ultima" collage.
MV World's and Ultima's source codes have been the basis for several rehosts, listed below.
Waluigiverse's logo.
Waluigiverse was a Miiverse clone made by Luke64 in 2019 that used Miiverse World's source code. Whether or not Waluigiverse was actually hosted is unknown, but the source code for it was uploaded to the Internet Archive by Proto on September 28, 2019.
Rehost by SMF9
Logo for SMF9's ULTIMA rehost.
On November 23, 2020, Miiverse clone developer SMF9 launched an Ultima rehost under, with a different logo and several recolored community icons and banners. 7SMITE was the second user to join, and was able to create a community for the site. The rehost was shut down on November 25 due to the lack of activity, with SMF9 stating that the community will not be restored and that there are no active clones anymore. On the page, he also expressed anger for those who "made [him] a bad image".
Rapeverse's logo.
On January 24, 2021, SMF9 was asked to create a new rehost of Ultima, which would be titled "Rapeverse". It was hosted under, with Adrian having control over the site. The site would eventually be shut down.
Rehost by GreenBoi
Logo and screenshot of GreenBoi's ULTIMA rehost.
On April 26, 2021, the user GreenBoi made a post on the clone Rewrittenverse stating that he would attempt to make a Miiverse clone based on Ultima. He was able to host it under on April 27. However, GreenBoi shut the rehost down that day, stating that "making clones isn't [his] thing."
Gangsterverse was a private Miiverse clone released on 2021 using MV World source code, made by the user Komfudo. It was only accessible to people who were on a private Discord server. Komfudo revealed the existence of this clone on the rverse Discord server on October 1, 2023.
Screenshot of SocialWorld.
SocialWorld was a rehost of Ultima made by Term. The clone started out as a rehost of Cedar under on May 3, 2021. On the morning of May 10, 2021, SocialWorld was brought back as an Ultima rehost under the same link, though it was limited to only Activity Feed posting. Later that day, Term announced that SocialWorld would be closing at 1:00 PM PST.
After shutting SocialWorld down, Term shared a zip file containing an HTML snapshot of the site minutes before it shut down. Due to positive reception that the site had, Term made a post stating that he would bring back SocialWorld if the post got five yeahs. Once that number was reached, Term later announced that SocialWorld would be coming back at 3:40 PM PST.
The site was brought back, this time with public communities, as well as private communities that could only be accessed with a link. At approximately 5:40 PM, Term announced that SocialWorld was now "somewhat restricted and somewhat not restricted".
Several minutes later, the administrators of SocialWorld called to "evacuate" the clone after it was discovered that users were spamming pornographic images in private communities, which also had pornographic icons and banners. At around 6:05 PM, SocialWorld was shut down, displaying the message "I shouldn't have rehosted ULTIMA, it seems it may have had some security issues. I don't know. I'm just going to say, I'm NEVER bringing this back, ever again. Go to SWorld."
A clone made in memorial for SocialWorld was hosted under, the "unintended" domain for Term's clone CloneMii. This memorial site was shut down at 1:00 PM PST.
"On most off-topic Miiverse clones, you're constantly being exposed to stupid memes, users you don't like, raids, and more. Peeverse fixes those problems by replacing the old "one community that everyone posts in and 20 more that are rarely ever used" posting model with a simpler one: posts from people you follow are shown to you on a timeline basis."
Screenshot of
Peeverse was a Miiverse clone made by the user Saul Goodman under, using Miiverse World as a base. Instead of using communities, it utilizes a system where posts from users one follows are shown on a timeline. From at least September 18, 2022, Peeverse became unavailable. It was brought back on October 4, 2022, before later shutting down indefinitely.
Early ad for Lime.
Lime was a scrapped Miiverse clone created by Braden, which would have been a rehost of MV World. Not much is known about it other than an early concept ad that Braden made, which included the site's logo. Lime bears similarities to LimeGreen, both in their logos and using MV World as a base, though this may have just been coincidental.
ClosedMii's current (top) and former (bottom) logo.
Screenshot of on September 4, 2023.
On September 2, 2023, the users gray and Seedur were working on a rehost of Ultima that was hosted under It originally used the source code from Term's in-development Project Community before switching to a rehost of Ultima, as the source code for Project Community was very buggy. would get suspended on September 3, 2023. gray would make multiple posts on complaining about the suspension, and made a post stating that InfinityFree (the web host for the site) would not let him reinstate the domain. Later that day, gray would publish the Ultima rehost under, though this would also get suspended on the same day.
On September 3, gray would post a reply on the InfinityFree forum to a post by another user who also had their Miiverse clone suspended, where he stated that his Ultima rehost was suspended for no reason. The reply would end up starting an argument between other users and moderators over the violation of Intellectual Property rights. gray stated that his Ultima rehost did not violate copyright as the original creator of Ultima made the clone open source, though a moderator stated that the Miiverse clone may have been suspended for violating Nintendo's strict copyright.
On September 4, the domain was moved again to, but would get suspended later that day. gray decided on using a different web host provider, AeonFree, and the Ultima rehost was moved to At around 6:45 PM PST, ULTIMA would be rebranded as "Lime", the scrapped Miiverse clone by Braden, using its logo.
On September 8, gray created a Roblox group for ClosedMii, erroneously named "CloneMii". The group was later closed, due to "Terminal and mints screaming at" gray according to the description.
On September 9, the Ultima rehost would be rebranded once again to ClosedMii, with an original logo and blue color scheme. The domain was changed to, with now serving as a redirect to the site.
ClosedMii being "locked down" on September 9.
A day prior to the rebranding, the user SourMints made a post on the clone telling gray to stop using the names and artwork of clones that weren't his, such as Project Community, Cosmic, and bruhclone, as gray was apparantly asked to stop multiple times but kept switching to using other clones. SourMints would make more posts related to gray, including a screenshot of gray's post from ClosedMii, prompting gray to post about how he was tired of SourMints browsing ClosedMii and his posts without having an account. Likely due to SourMints's alleged lurking of CloneMii, gray temporarily "locked" ClosedMii, rendering it inaccessible. This "lock" was eventually lifted, and ClosedMii received a new logo and a darker blue color scheme.
Screenshot of ClosedMii after its lockdown.
ClosedMii's dark and darker modes.
ClosedMii had three separate themes: a light theme, a dark theme, and a "darker" theme. The light theme caused most of the UI elements to be white, with the user's preferred background color. The dark theme changed the UI elements based on the user's preferred color, and made the background color slightly darker. The darker theme changed the UI elements and background to a dark shade of gray. Users were also able to toggle whether or not their preferred theme will be displayed when other users visit their profile. Another unique feature of ClosedMii was that posts were highlighted blue when moused over.
Later in September, ClosedMii was once again rebranded to Lime. As of September 20, 2023, ClosedMii has shut down. ClosedMii was later brought back under, but this has also since shut down.
insi's logo.
Screenshot of insi.
insi was a rehost of Ultima made by the user Aymo. It was released on September 6, 2023 under It has shut down as of December of 2023. was a rehost of Ultima made by Aymo. It was released on September 3, 2023, notably being in a broken state. It has since shut down.
Hydra's logo.
Screenshot of Hydra from October of 2023.
Hydra (also known as flipnote) was a rehost of MV World. It was made by gray. Its description on the main page mentions that it was meant to be a "safe zone" for Bulbaverse after it shut down.
As of December 2023, Hydra has since shut down.
Screenshot of Movistar from February of 2024.
Movistar was a rehost of Ultima made by b3c3. It was created on February 14, 2024 under
On February 23, 2024, the user Omey attempted to DDOS Movistar but was unsuccessful. The site was shut down later that month due to a DMCA notice from Movistar, the company the clone was named after.