Closedverse Dramatica

"Closedverse Dramatica is a wiki for pages of users from the site known as Closedverse, developed and made by Arian Fagordi and some nerd named PF2M."

The original Closedverse Dramatica logo.

Closedverse Dramatica (CV:D for short) was a wiki created by Gnarly. Other editors of the site included Tutikaz and Ben. As the name suggests, the site is based on the comedic portrayal of information that Encyclopedia Dramatica had. The site was made to detail defaming information on some Closedverse users, notably Closedverse's creator Arian and Closedverse users such as SoulySoul and Coner. Other articles praised certain people such as Gnarly himself, Tutikaz, and Arian's brother Arman. It had gone through several iterations before eventually shutting down.

The Clone Forest has a gallery for Closedverse Dramatica.


Closedverse Dramatica started off as a Wikia-based wiki under the link, which Gnarly posted to Cedar on February 22, 2018. The site had an article of Arian detailing derogatory information about him, most infamously the fact that Arian downloaded 17 gigabytes of data from the dark web, with some of it being child porn. It also had an article on Charlotte, mainly detailing information about how she allegedly sent a picture of her penis to another user. On February 25, 2018, the site "was reported by Arian and his retarded fan-base, resulting in deletion of the wikia." 

Logo for Closedverse Dramatica Reborn, the second iteration of Closedverse Dramatica.

After the original Closedverse Dramatica was deleted, Gnarly remade Closedverse Dramatica with the help of PF2M using MediaWiki in order to prevent the wiki's fate from happening again, and the site was renamed Closedverse Dramatica Reborn (under the domain This iteration was hosted on PF2M's website on February 27, and featured more articles, with the aforementioned SoulySoul and Coner, as well as Pip, Michael, Miles, and RyanAustin among others. Around June 17, 2018, PF2M's website was reported, causing Closedverse Dramatica Reborn to shut down.

Teaser image for Closedverse Dramatica Revived.

Following the shutdown of Closedverse Dramatica Reborn, Gnarly would make posts on Cedar announcing the third iteration of the site, Closedverse Dramatica Revived, under the domain It was planned to be released on June 28, 2018, but would actually be released on July 1, 2018, using an older Closedverse Dramatica database. This was the final iteration of the site, and Closedverse Dramatica has since shut down.

Post-Clone Dramatica

"We dish out the lore, you gain the lols."

Logo for Post-Clone Dramatica.

Around mid April of 2020, Gnarly announced that a spiritual successor to Closedverse Dramatica would be made, under the new name Post-Clone Dramatica (PCD for short). As the name suggests, the site was based on events after the “era” of clones, and former clone users who use other sites, such as Twitter.

On May 5, the website was published. The site displayed an image of Arian with the meme caption "THERE IS NO CLONE / NOW TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES", with the tab header being "CLICK THE IMAGE TRUST ME ITS EPIC". Clicking on the image directs to the video below.

Teaser for Post-Clone Dramatica shown from the link.

Post-Clone Dramatica was set up on May 7, 2020, under the domain It was publicly revealed on May 9. The day after, Gnarly stated that he was in the process of moving the website to another server and using DokuWiki due to the slowness of the .tk domain. The Post-Clone Dramatica Twitter page (@pcdramatica) was created on May 15, and has since been suspended.

Screenshot of Post-Clone Dramatica from May 22, 2020.

Post-Clone Dramatica was brought back up on May 22, 2020 after being announced on the previous day. It was under the link During May 22, the site had articles on Soul (StrawberryYagis), the speculation over the "Golden Age of Clones", and Miiverse Clonapedia. The "HISTORY" button on the main page linked to this article. Besides Gnarly, Tutikaz was also an editor for the Post-Clone Dramatica.

Jokko, on the Miiverse Clonapedia Twitter account, tweeted that Miiverse Clonapedia does not support (nor condemn) the site, contrary to the factoid listed on Post-Clone Dramatica's main page. In response, Gnarly changed the factoid to say "...JOKKO I FUCKED YOUR MOTHER RAW". Jokko also posted the link to the site on Uiiverse, which caused Username to join the site's Discord server. After receiving mockery from the server, Username left.

The creation of Post-Clone Dramatica led to controversy, with some of Soul's followers criticizing Gnarly for slander. One of Gnarly's tweets got spammed with replies as a result, and some users attempted to report him. Former clone users, mostly those who supported Gnarly, made various tweets about the situation, using screenshots made by Soul and their "whiteknights" to create discussion.

Gnarly stated that he intended to do more articles about groups and events rather than individual users. On the Discord server, Tutikaz confirmed that an article on Hamsta would be written, though this was not realized.

On May 30, Post-Clone Dramatica's editor application form was made and linked on the main page.

Post-Clone Dramatica was shut down in late September of 2020, after Gnarly stated that he had no plans to continue it after May.