Closedverse Hotel

"thanks @AC for the banner

Community for the great Closedverse Hotel.

look in Ava (Somekid122)'s profile for the link to the discord server"

(Original Description)

"Original hotel by Ava. Owned by Baldi and ioletsgo. Admins and above get a free Jakuzzi to relax, pee, and poop at. You can request a jakuzzi at the front desk, for a yeah goal fee. Enjoy your stay at the Closedverse Hotel"

(Description From September 2018)

Community Number: 67

Icon for the Closedverse Hotel community.

Closedverse Hotel is a Discord server created by the former clone user Ava sometime in December of 2017. Shortly after its creation, Ava was given the developer badge and a community for the Closedverse Hotel was made on Closedverse. Later, in 2018, ioletsgo and Miles took ownership of the hotel.

The Closedverse Hotel community was mainly used as a roleplay community, where users pretended they were in an actual hotel. According to the community description, users could request a Jacuzzi at the "front desk" to "relax, pee, and poop at".  They needed to reach a yeah goal in order to get one, though administrators got a Jacuzzi for free.

The Closedverse Hotel Discord server is divided into several categories. First, there is the city, which has several "building" channels such as McDonalds, a bank, and a strip club (the NSFW channel). Next, there is the lobby, which has channels for the main entrance of the hotel as well as the two elevators, stairs, basement, and broom closet. The lobby also has a channel to request "rooms", which are channels listed with a number and the user's name. There are two "residence" categories filled with these rooms.

Cedar Luxury Hotel

"Well, remember the Closedverse Hotel ?

It got shut down, so i'm bringing it back for Cedar, I guess .

So . . .

Welcome to the Cedar Luxury Hotel !

Have a nice chat with others here, book a room, maybe even take a dip in the pool ?

The staff will come around regularly, so maybe even talk to them too !"

Community Number: 20259334

Cedar Luxury Hotel is a community on Cedar created by discount-kraken on January of 2018.

It is unknown if this is related to the original Closedverse Hotel, but based on her Cedar posts, discount-kraken made her own Closedverse Hotel at one point.

discount-kraken's Closedverse Hotel banner.

Closedverse Hotel 2

"Welcome to the Closedverse Hotel! You can ask to us if you want anything like some food! The waiters will help you ASAP."

Community Number: 45

Logo for the Closedverse Hotel 2 Discord server.

Closedverse Hotel 2 was a Discord server created by SMF9 in June of 2020, following a similar premise to the original Closedverse Hotel. It also had a community on Both the server and the community were deleted as of July 2020.

The Sandwich World Hotel Community

"Welcome to the hotel! Make yourself at home. (This is a (kinda) satire roleplaying community)"

Community Number: 9

The Sandwich World Hotel Community was a community on the Miiverse clone Sandwich World, created on May 5, 2021. It was based on the original Closedverse Hotel.

CloneMii Hotel

"A kinda RP community"

Community Number: 20

CloneMii Hotel was a community on the Miiverse clone CloneMii, created on May 23, 2021. As with Sandwich World, it was based on the original Closedverse Hotel.