The Mii commonly associated with Arian.
Arian's avatar on Closedverse.
Arian is a former Miiverse hacker and Miiverse clone developer. He is part of a family that works in the field of technology. He is the creator of Closedverse and Grape, and a big fan of Splatoon.
User Statistics
Usernames: All of Arian's Miiverse NNIDs are listed next to "Alts" on the LMR article
аrіаnkоrdі (Miiverse, Closedverse)
arian (Oasis)
User IDs: #1 (Closedverse, joined 2017-09-04 at 4:08 AM)
#4 (Oasis, joined 2018-05-18 at 9:57 PM)
Arian hosted his online tools under his website, аrіаnkоrdі.net. Among his works are/were:
A hosting of Cedar's beta
Two other Cedar rehosts, and, the latter of which updated "IN REAL TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
A mii grabber that got images of Miis from Nintendo Network by typing in an NNID (аrіаnkоrdі.net/mii)
A mii API grabber (аrіаnkоrdі.net/seth)
A collection of Nintendo system certificates
A "Miiverse Tutorial" to visit Miiverse on a Wii U or 3DS interface
A collection of Miiverse archives and files
A collection of Wii U files
Miiverse Days
Arian spamming on the Miiverse Announcements community.
Before his start in developing Miiverse clones, Arian was known for being a Miiverse hacker. He was able to magic post YouTube videos such as the PPAP song, and is well known for spamming the Miiverse Announcements community with the repeated message, "FUCK THE ADMINS!" Arian would upload numerous videos of his exploits to his YouTube channel, though most of them are now unlisted. Arian got in contact with another Miiverse hacker known as PF2M. The two cooperated on hacking Miiverse, and could be considered partners in crime.
Some remnants of Arian's past are on the internet, including an infamous video of a skit involving him and his cousin Shayan, a video of him jumping in a swimming pool, a video of him screaming at his computer, and numerous photos.
Openverse and Grape
Since PF2M knew and trusted Arian, he became one of the personally invited personnel in the Openverse closed beta. PF2M's work on Openverse inspired Arian to create a Miiverse clone of his own, which became known as Grape. In this time frame, Arian would be more open to Grape's community, as it was a lot more small and inactive compared to Miiverse's huge, spread out userbase.
Using the knowledge that he had from programming Grape, Arian pitched a "Dark Mode Openverse" concept that would later become his biggest project, Closedverse. Arian began development on Closedverse a week after Openverse shut down.
Early Closedverse
Arian's favorite post on Closedverse.
Arian launched Closedverse on September 9, 2017, and was listed as user #1 on the site, with his display name being "wii u still best console" and later "wii u amazing beautiful great console 🐙". Users #2, #3, and #4 were all deleted alts of his, with PF2M being user #5 as a result. Arian ran a script on Closedverse that made anyone who followed PF2M follow him as well (assuming the user didn't follow Arian first), and anyone who unfollowed him would unfollow PF2M as well (as Dominic discovered, this script didn't work if Arian's profile was hidden).
At the time of Closedverse's release, Arian did not have much notoriety outside of some knowing him as a Miiverse hacker. Arian would post updates and responded to users who had technical difficulties (which explains why he had a lot of users registered as friends at the time). Arian would post information on the site if it was shut down due to maintenance or for other reasons. As the creator of the most active Miiverse clone, Arian would naturally become a popular figure amongst the Closedverse userbase, even among people who didn't previous know about his reputation as a Miiverse hacker. Arian was the most followed user on Closedverse, and the only known user to surpass 1000 followers.
Arian didn't have a major presence in any other clone besides Closedverse. While he did make some accounts on Cedar, he never had a main account on the site, and most of the alts he had were deleted.
Banning Users
About a month after Closedverse's release, Arian made a decision that sparked a bit of controversy: he banned Dominic. Dominic was a well-known Closedverse user who mainly posted memes and Scratch content, most notably a project based on Squibby, one of the site's only admins at the time. The reason Arian gave was a vague one: Dominic was banned for "being unfunny".
This incident made some users question Arian's authority, and some people claimed that it was unfair of him to ban Dominic for an opinionated reason not specific in the Closedverse rules. However, a majority of the userbase defended (or were at least indifferent to) Arian's decision, mostly because they either didn't like or care about Dominic in the first place. Dominic would go on to use Cedar, voicing criticism over Arian's decision to ban him.
Arian would go on to ban more users for vague reasons. One of these users was Max, who was not as well-known as Dominic but got banned for the same reason. Another one of these users was Coner, who was infamous among the Closedverse community notably for his conflicts with Banama Club and arguments on Closedverse itself. The conflict over this dissolved, so there wasn't a lot of conversation on these bans.
Arian also told the creator of a Closedverse wikia that he didn't want a wiki for the site and essentially forced it to cease operation.
Closedverse Rehosts
On days when Closedverse shut down, Arian would make rehosts of Closedverse. On one of these occasions, Arian said he was going to get Pizza Hut. Users were able to sign up for these rehosts, and for a few minutes they were able to post on some of the communities. However, the ability to post would later be restricted to those that Arian promoted. Most of the users who were allowed to post were hostile towards those who sent messages at them to join. On Cedar, some users complained that the modded users were creating an echo chamber on the site, and criticized Arian for his authority on the situation. Some users responded to the criticism saying that the server was only temporary and that everyone should be grateful that Closedverse is still somewhat usable even during a shutdown.
Most of Arian's actions were deemed fairly minor by the majority of the userbase, and Arian would still hold a mostly positive reputation amongst the Closedverse userbase due to being the site's creator. However, starting around early 2018, he would become controversial for much more serious reasons.
The "17 Gigs"
The notorious “17 Gigs” screenshot.
Around early 2018, Gnarly, a user who was known for mocking certain users and got banned frequently by the admins, started posting evidence on a website that Arian possessed child porn. One of the evidence was a Discord screenshot of Arian telling someone that he downloaded 17 gigabytes of data from the deep web and deleted the drive that contained it because he feared some of it might be illegal content. The userbase became split between a crowd that showed disrespect for Arian and a crowd that were skeptical of the evidence. Arian himself didn't make a response even though the evidence was gaining traction, though he was partially responsible for Gnarly's Closedverse Dramatica wikia (which had an article on him) shutting down.
Eventually, Arian did give a response to the situation, stating that only a tiny percentage of the 17 gigabytes was actual child porn, which he deleted anyway.
Admin Promotions and Site Management
"Arian fully does NOT care about the site, as he hires over like 30 admins to do the work for him. Wanna be a Closedverse admin? Send a picture of your under-aged tits and you are going to likely be co-owner pretty soon. Guess what this pervy faggot does also? He can read your so called private messages" - Closedverse Dramatica
Word also got around about some private messages involving Arian. Most infamously, Arian promoted a user named Cookie to administrator due to the latter private messaging a picture of her legs. Another incident occurred shortly after where Arian was caught erping with a male user, which was detailed on the main page of Closedverse Dramatica. Gnarly additionally posted a pastebin on Cedar displaying the messages between the two. A few months later, he also promoted a user named Citrus, who deleted 100 users from the site. The general consensus was that Arian was not good at choosing admins, as the administration would wreak havoc and Arian was complacent about it.
It was also found out that Arian and some admins could view any user's private messages, which concerned some users.
According to Closedverse Dramatica, it was during this time period when Arian got doxxed by his former friend Tutikaz. Arian supposedly responded by telling everyone to spam his address so everyone can ignore it.
Stepping Down
"PF2M is the owner right now and Arian is the main developer and ex-owner who is currently being executed."
On May 3, 2018, private messages between Arian and an underaged user were leaked under the domain Arian decided to step down as owner of the site, giving the title to PF2M. He grayed out his profile picture afterward. Many people were satisfied and excited about the idea of PF2M running the site, and a lot of people followed him since Arian's profile was hidden and he couldn't receive PF2M's followers anymore. Many people decided to make rants about Arian since he wasn't in charge anymore. PF2M himself made a rant about Arian, though the post was more about the troubles PF2M had working with Arian. Despite the large event, Arian was still the de facto owner of Closedverse. He would help set up the server for the user Pip's Miiverse clone, Oasis, despite Oasis being advertised as a "getaway" from Closedverse.
Arian became less active on Miiverse clones after this incident, and would slowly become less relevant among the Miiverse clone userbase.
Post-Indigo Closedverse
Arian would return to posting on Closedverse after Indigo's release, when Closedverse's activity dropped. He mainly posted anime pictures and interacted with some of the newer users who signed up for the site.
Closedverse Shutdown
On April 4, 2019, PF2M announced that all of Arian's computers, including the Closedverse server, were seized by the police. This may have been due to anonymous tips placed on Arian, and there were multiple attempts to call the police on Arian when Closedverse was still up. The domain and database for Closedverse were no longer in Arian's possession, so the information Closedverse had that wasn't archived became lost. Though his computers were taken by the police, Arian did not get arrested or otherwise punished by authorities.
According to PF2M, Arian did not possess any pornography depicting real life children, though he would still reply to people with lolicon "as a joke".
After Clones
Arian had several Twitter accounts, which he used on occasions.
In late May of 2020, Arian assisted SMF9 and Username in the making of their Closedverse rehost, The next day, Arian made the site redirect to an osu! page.
Arian also assisted in SMF9's next Closedverse rehost,, under the username "Lia". Using his access to the database, Arian would expose SMF9 for sending direct messages asking to erp with a user on the site, before banning that user after screenshots were posted. The"Lia" account was deleted prior to the site's shutdown, though on July 12, 2020, Arian would take over the site, removing the option to log in, deleting all posts, and renamed all communities to “SMF9 IS STUPID LMAO”, before later shutting the site down.
2022 Splatoon Stream
Screenshot of Arian's Splatoon livestream.
On November 19, 2022, Arian hosted a livestream of him playing Splatoon 3, simply titled "s". Several people from the Miiverse clone community at the time found out about the livestream and would comment on the stream's live chat. During the stream, Arian would share the link to the original Closedverse Discord server, which was previously private. Those who joined from the stream were given the "joined from Arian Stream Of 2022" role on the server.
In May of 2023, Arian would make a rehost of Indigo under, though it would be shut down later that month.
Retrieval of Computers and FAQ
Screenshot of the document Arian made.
Arian would reveal that he was able to retrieve his computers from the local police department in 2023. On Sillyverse, he would make a comment on a post showing a screenshot of Closedverse files he had from his computers, though he would later delete this comment.
On April 4, 2024, 5 years after Closedverse's shutdown, Arian published a text file, where he would give more detail about how he got his computers back and what he was able to retrieve, among other things.
According to the document, Arian first began the process of getting his computers back in late 2022 (the year he became a legal adult) by requesting a police report. In August of 2023, after numerous calls to the police department and the investigator of the case involving Arian's computers, Arian was eventually able to come to the police department's evidence unit to retrieve all his computers, and transported them to his home using his brother's friend's truck. Almost none of Arian's hard drives were modified by the police, implying that nothing illegal was found on any of Arian's computers or on the Closedverse database.
Some of the things on Arian's computers that were once considered lost due to the computers being seized but were now in Arian's possession included the source code for Closedverse that contained more features than the public GitHub version, all versions of his websites including the Closedverse downage pages, an unfinished Closedverse archive app similar to Archiverse, Miiverse clone prototypes, forks of Openverse and Cedar, a version of Openverse known as Openverse^2, and database backups for Closedverse, Cedar, and Indigo.
Arian states that he had no intention of bringing Closedverse back due to lack of interest from the majority of people that used it, and that all of the images have been erased from the database anyways. He also disclosed that he still held ownership of the domain until October of 2019. In January of 2020, someone had bought the domain, and ownership of the domain was transferred to PF2M, who held it until the domain expired in 2022. The domain was eventually taken by scalpers offering a minimum $500 for it.
Near the end of the document, Arian states that the "ultimate endgame" for Miiverse clones, where a clone supports web, API, Wii U, and 3DS like the original Miiverse, had not been achieved yet. He once had the idea of making a clone with PF2M that covered all areas that Miiverse did, but considered making a Miiverse clone to be a "stale idea" at that point. Near the end of the document, Arian states, "I don’t think it would be wrong to say that Miiverse clones had their time and are now seen as mediocre to those who already experienced them."