
"Uiiverse is a re-creation of Nintendo's well-known social network, Miiverse. It allows you to interact with fellow Nintendo fans, give Yeahs to posts, and share screenshots of your favorite games."

Uiiverse's logo.

Uiiverse was a Miiverse clone founded by users Mintphin (formerly Meltstrap) and FunnyBone, and coded by Ben. Additional admins of the clone included Jo, Luke64, and Proto. It was hosted under uiiverse.xyz.


Uiiverse's original logo.

uiiverse.ml page from July 30, 2018.

Development of Uiiverse traces back to July of 2018. The domain uiiverse.ml was used to host a website that provided information and updates about the upcoming Miiverse clone. Development began with Meltstrap as the sole developer until July 25, 2018 when he made FunnyBone a co-developer of Uiiverse. The website included a button for prospective users to "reserve" their accounts. Uiiverse's development would continue for the rest of 2018. The URL to Uiiverse was leaked several days before its official launch, allowing clone users Sosig and Adrian to raid the site. The posts made during the raid were deleted shortly after.

Uiiverse was officially launched on January 4, 2019. It was the successor to FunnyBone's Wiiverse, a Miiverse-inspired website, and used assets from it. The site is also based on the source code of Ben's Miiverse clone Pearl, initially known as Ziiverse. Uiiverse was initially closed source, due to its code deriving from other closed source clones. However, Uiiverse later became open source.

Aside from the usual User ID and password, an account required an email in order to sign up for Uiiverse. This is becuase a verification email was sent to actually access the site. Uiiverse intended to have rules similar to those of Miiverse, and thus prohibited profanity (though it was not often that the rules were exercised). Users could not upload files, but they could put image addresses to post images.

Shortly after its official launch, Uiiverse got raided again. These posts got removed as well.

Uiiverse was temporarily suspended on February 6, 2019 for maintenance. In mid-2019, the sign up system stopped working due to API issues and drama. The system was fixed on June 17, 2019, and the databases were archived due to corruption issues. On June 21, Uiiverse was translated to Spanish (es.uiiverse.xyz). The next day, it was translated to Russian (ru.uiiverse.xyz). Currently, both links lead to error pages.

Uiiverse experienced multiple database issues. According to Proto, Sosig destroyed the database at one point. Later, another user known as JuicyTomato deleted the database and blamed either Sosig or another member of Hamsta for doing so. At one point, the database got wiped out, but no one could figure out who or what caused it to happen.

Uiiverse remained up even after the largest Miiverse clones at the time, Closedverse and Oasis, shut down in April of 2019. However, its activity was far lower than the activity those clones had.

On April 17, 2020, Uiiverse's Cloudfare hoster got hacked. On April 19, Uiiverse’s server shut down. Several days later, Username, a Uiiverse admin, put a message on the site saying that the site was shut down temporarily, and detailed other things, such as Hamsta causing Meltstrap’s Discord account to get deleted. On May 2, Uiiverse was brought back up. The database was allegedly corrupted and some users reported that they couldn't access their accounts.

On May 26, 2020, Username's profile got hidden on Uiiverse. On May 30, he made a post about how he still owned the server and that he was never demoted, and that he was the one who banned 7SMITE during that period. Username also stated that he would be leaving the site. 

On June 17, 2020, Mintphin announced that JuicyTomato would be the new owner of Uiiverse on July 15, 2020. However, June 26, Mintphin claimed that Pip and SRGNation would be the owners of Uiiverse instead, following JuicyTomato deleting his Discord account after a feud in the Uiiverse Discord server. Mintphin later stated that he would be retiring from Uiiverse development.

On July 4, 2020, FunnyBone announced his departure from Uiiverse development in order to focus on new projects.

On July 13, Mintphin and Luna announced that Uiiverse was shutting down, and that Pip would host a 2-week "Goodbye Session" for the site. That day, the site was changed to a web page saying that Jo is "killing Uiiverse", while also suggesting other social media sites to use. The web page also has multiple Discord screenshots accusing Miiverse clone developer SMF9 of being a "creep".

Pip moved the database to uiiverse.ga later that day, claiming in a post on the Uiiverse Announcements community that the site will be shut down on July 24, 2020 at 4:00 PM PST. He stated that he wanted Uiiverse to have "a chance for the final goodbyes that Closedverse, Indigo, and Oasis never had."

Uiiverse remained up after the scheduled shut down, leading Pip to state that he forgot to shut Uiiverse down since he turned his PC off.

On July 25, Pip shut down Uiiverse as intended, and left a message on the site stating that he wanted the "messy memories" to rest. The phrases "Uiiverse is dead" and "Clones are dead" are present on the bottom of the site.

Uii Plaza

Logo for "Uii Plaza".

On July 23, 2020, Skater Landau, one of the owners of the Uiiverse Instagram page, became the owner of the Uiiverse Discord server and announced that they would be the new owner of the "Uii Brand". On July 30, they additionally announced that Uiiverse would be revived under the rebranded name "Uii Plaza".

The project's development came to a halt in early September after Skater Landau decided to kick the main developer, Ashley, out of the project.


Various rehosts of Uiiverse have been made. It should be noted that the README.md file on Uiiverse's GitHub page initially stated that Uiiverse should not be rehosted. Since Uiiverse lacked an open source license, rehosting it was technically illegal. On July 5, 2024, Mintphin, under the alias "root", posted a video to wakemeupinside.net, stating that they have decided to remove the "no rehosting" policy from Uiiverse, and that Uiiverse now has a GPLv3 license.


Screenshot of Muuverse.

The user Luke rehosted Uiiverse under the name "Muuverse", under closedpizza.000webhostapp.com. According to the main page after an edit sometime in August 2020, Muuverse was just Luke "fucking around with Uiiverse code" and that Luke was done with Miiverse clones. The site has since shut down.

Rehost by SMF9

On February 4, 2021, SMF9 rehosted an archive of Uiiverse from November 2019 under heil-hitler.great-site.net. This would later be shut down.

Rehost by Term

Screenshot of epikkat.42web.io.

On April 22, 2021, the user Term created a rehost of Uiiverse under epikkat.42web.io. Moderators of the site included Jackster, who assisted in adding communities, and Zen. The rehost was raided on April 30, though this raid would be undone.

On May 3, 2021, Mintphin found out about the rehost, and took efforts to take the site down since it was using their copyrighted code without permission. The following day, Term took down the rehost after being warned that Mintphin would attempt to take the site down.


Screenshot of Plazaverse.

Plazaverse is a rehost of Uiiverse made by GhostyBlox under plazaverse.ml, released on September 27, 2022. At that point, it only had one community, titled "Plazaverse" (Community Number: 1). As of December 2022, it has since been suspended.


Logo Aymo made for Frenchverse on September 29, 2023.

Screenshot of Frenchverse.

Frenchverse is a rehost of Uiiverse made by the user Aymo. Its current status is unknown. Aymo shared a development screenshot of Frenchverse on September 29, 2023.