"Discoverse is a social media network owned by Pip and Bakayun. Using Cedar as a template, we have made the site to be fun for both english and french members."
"Discoverse est un réseau de médias sociaux appartenant à Pip et Bakayun. En utilisant Cedar comme modèle, nous avons réussi à rendre le site amusant pour les membres anglais et français"
Discoverse's logo.
Discoverse was a Miiverse clone created by French clone user Bakayun with the help of Pip sometime in August of 2018. It was based off of Cedar and hosted under the domain
Bakayun's video showcasing Discoverse.
On September 8, 2018, Bakayun uploaded a YouTube video showcasing Discoverse.
Discoverse had a bug that allowed regular users to create unlimited communities, and thus the site was flooded with them. The site was eventually shut down by Ashley.
Crossverse/Discoverse 2
Crossverse's logo.
In May of 2020, Bakayun advertised his upcoming Miiverse clone Crossverse on his Twitter page (@BakayunShaku) and on Miiversepedia (link). The site was intended for both English and French users.
News about Crossverse's development would fall silent in the following months, until Bakayun announced in mid July of 2020 that he was developing Crossverse. The clone was renamed to "Discoverse 2" and a new logo was created for the site.
Logo for "Discoverse 2".
Screenshot of the site.
On July 24, 2020, Bakayun launched Discoverse 2 under At the time, it only had a single test community. One notable thing about the clone was that users could not sign up using image profile pictures and were forced to use Miis.
The site was changed the next day, with the site having a General Discussion Community and an Announcement Community. SMF9 assisted Bakayun with Discoverse 2 and got verified, though he insisted that he was not the owner. At 11:07 AM PST, the Closedverse Out of Context Twitter account tweeted the screenshot above with the caption, "PLEASE / JUST LET IT FUCKING DIE!" At around 2:25 PM PST, the user Konameme made a Public Mii with the username "reddit". Additionally, the user N0where began spamming on the site. Eventually, at around 2:50 PM PST, Discoverse 2 shut down, and the message "Fuck clones!" was displayed. Soon after, the link to the site redirected to a Pornhub video. The site was eventually deleted.
Discosuck's logo.
Discosuck is a variation of Discoverse created by Bakayun with the help of Haruki, Term, and Rix. It was released on August 19, 2021 under On August 23, 2021, a version of Discosuck using Grape code was released under As of December 11, 2021, this version was shut down and replaced with a new Miiverse clone made by Rix known as Silver Club.
New Discoverse
Screenshot of New Discoverse from September 4, 2021.
As of August 24, 2021, Bakayun has been working to create Discoverse from scratch using PHP.
In late August of 2021, Bakayun, with the help of Haruki, began work on a new Miiverse clone known as "New Discoverse". As of September 2021, it is currently in development.