



"Welcome to Exverse! This is the only site in Japan that has taken over Miiverse."

Exverse's original logo, along with two other seasonal logos.

Exverse's latest logo.

Exverse was a Japanese Miiverse clone created by SquidSky and coded by nirot1r sometime in late 2017. It used Cedar code, and was initially hosted under exverse.mydns.jp. The domain was changed multiple times; these changes include exverse.000webhostapp.com, exverse.rf.gd, exverse2.rf.gd, exverse-old.rf.gd, and finally exverse.ml. Exverse claimed to be the largest Miiverse clone in Japan.

Screenshot of a post made by SquidSky on Exverse.

Around November of 2018, Exverse (under exverse.000webhostapp.com) went down due to a "long-term maintenance". It was brought back under the domain exverse.rf.gd around December of 2018. In 2019, Exverse was moved to exverse.squidsky.mydns.jp.

In April of 2019, SquidSky's account (exverse_admin) was deleted. The next day, the site announced a termination notice, stating that Exverse would shut down by the end of the month. The site ultimately shut down on April 22.

On April 4, 2020, the site was brought back up, but was shut down by the end of the day. Exverse was brought back up again later that month under the domain exverse.ml. However, SquidSky (now known as CyberRex), whose account was seemingly recovered after the incident of the year before, made a post stating that the site will be shut down later in 2020.

On December 1, 2020, CyberRex announced that Exverse would still be in operation after 2021, but no further development would be done. He stated that he wanted to move the site to a secure HTTPS communication, and block support of older browsers such as consoles to maintain security.

From late May of 2021, Exverse's CSS code was broken for desktop, though the site's look remained the same on mobile. This issue was eventually fixed.

CyberRex's comment on Exverse's shutdown.

Sometime before June of 2023, Exverse was shut down. When asked by the user Term about what happened to the site, CyberRex stated that he forgot to renew Exverse's domain, causing it to get revoked. Because the domain registrar stopped registering new domains, CyberRex was unable to bring Exverse back up.