Print ur Messages
Print ur Messages's logo
Print ur Messages is a currently defunct website that uses a bot to print entered text on a receipt printer. The site would update in real time, showing the most recent message sent to the website.
A picture of printed messages from the Print ur Messages site.
In mid 2018, some Closedverse users discovered the Print ur Messages website and used it to post memes on the Anything Goes community. Eventually it became a trend on the community, with most of the site's traffic coming from Closedverse users.
The creator of the site took notice of the site's activity and the printed messages referencing Closedverse. He eventually created a Closedverse account of his own, and linked his profile on the Print ur Messages site. Soon enough, a community was made for the site (Community Number: 144) and the creator became an admin on Closedverse. On the community, the creator of the site would make announcements for the Print ur Messages site. When the site went down, he posted that the site would be back up within a set amount of days, though this deadline was never reached.