Anything Goes/General Discussion Community

The General Discussion Community (known as the Anything Goes Community on Closedverse and Closedverse-based clones and the Recess Playground on Baldiverse) is a community made for general discussion, meme posting, and anything else allowed by the rules. It is almost always the most active community on Miiverse clones that have them. The General Discussion Community can be compared to Miiverse communities that were unaffected by the redesign, such as the New Super Luigi U Community (which some clones use instead). On places such as Closedverse, this community's icon, banner, and description would get vandalized by the admins often. Because of the activity, the General Discussion Community is where most of the drama is likely to take place.

Banners and Descriptions


"Discuss whatever you want to discuss here! (as long as it adheres to the Openverse Code of Conduct)"

Community Number: 6/9


The original and spinning star versions of the Anything Goes community.

"Discuss anything at all here! Feel free to post jokes, memes or anything else allowed by the Closedverse Rules. If you wish to have a higher-quality chat with your fellow members, check out the Serious Discussion community, though we won't enforce anything other than the rules here."

Community Number: 6

The Anything Goes Community on Closedverse was originally named the General Discussion Community when the site was first launched, though it was renamed to the Anything Goes Community in mid September of 2017. In April of 2018, the community was reverted to its original appearance as a joke. Below is the icon and banner for the General Discussion Community, along with two original banner designs:


The original and revised icon and banner.

Icon and banner used for Election Oasis, a version of Oasis made before Election Day 2020.

"Welcome to the Anything Goes Community! This community is the hub of Activity here. Discuss almost anything here (Even though it’s called Anything Goes haha)

However, please keep callout posts, or vents, to the Activity Feed. If these posts are found in this community they will be moved or deleted. Thank you for your cooperation."

Community Number: 1


"Welcome to the General Discussion Community! Discuss some shit here."

Community Number: 1


"Talk about anything here. Or something."

Community Number: 5


Community Number: 1


Community Number: 1


Community Number: 1

Project Akuhao

The original and redesigned icon and banner.

"A place to talk about anything... Well, almost."

Community Number: 6


The original icon and banner along with the English banner.

"🎉 Bienvenue sur la communauté Principale de Nextverse ! 🎊

Ici vous pouvez parler de tous et de rien en respectant les règles de Nextverse bien sûr 😉. Les règles comme vous le savez sont les mêmes que sur le site. Amusez vous bien sur la communauté Discussion Générale de Nextverse 😁" (French Description)

"talk" (English Description)

Community Number: 1


"Welcome to the Anything Goes Community! Discuss anything that doesn't break the Clovbdvrsss or Community Rules!


1) Don't vent or discuss sensitive subjects like self-harm here; keep that to Serious or Activity Feed.

2) Please refrain from adding to or starting drama here. Use Activity Feed for that, please. This includes:

call-out posts, talking about drama, making posts that incite a panic ([user] is DEAD!!! {they really are but you get me} ) etc.

Reminder that we can move OR delete your posts if you don’t follow these.


Community Number: 1

Ultima Rehost

Community Number: 1

Banner from March 12, 2021. Prior to that date, the General Discussion community was known as the "White House", and on March 11, the pink Anything Goes banner from Clovbdvrsss was used.


Community Number: 3


Community Number: 1


The original and revised icon and banner.

Icon posted on the Artwork Sharing Community.

"The place where you can talk about anything that is allowed by the Rewrittenverse Code of Conduct. Remember that you're free to create your own community about a specific topic you like by clicking in the "Create Community" button on your feed."

Community Number: 4 (formerly 2)


Community Number: 1


"The main area for Activity Feed posts."

Community Number: 71


The General Discussion Community is known as the "Rick Community" on Astleyverse.

"Talk about anything that is allowed by the Astleyverse Code Of Conduct."

Community Number: 1

Sandwich World

"General Community. Chat whatever you want that's in the rules."

Community Number: 1


"Chat here!"

Community Number: 11


"A place for talking about anything that doesn't violate bruhclone's Rules."

Community Number: 2


"Talk about anything that does not violate the UniMii Rules here."

Community Number: 5

Galaxy Plaza Rehost

"It's a general community lmao"

Community Number: 1


"Adrianverse is where you get pussy."

Community Number: 1

Silver Club

Community Number: 1


The original and updated versions of the icon and banner.

Community Number: 4


Community Number: 4


"talk about smth idk"

Community Number: 1

Poly Plaza

"This is place to be to start up fun conversations."

Community Number: 2


From top to bottom: Icon and banner used for Cedar 2, banner used for Cedar III, main icon and banner used for, icon and banner used on during December of 2023.

"Talk about anything that doesn't violate the Cedar Code of Conduct."

Community Number: 4 (Cedar 2), 2 (Cedar III), 1 (


From top to bottom: The original Caustica+ icon and banner, the first Leaper banner, and the current Leaper icon and banner from July of 2023.

"Talk all about anything that doesn't violate the Leaper Code of Conduct."

Community Number: 1


"talk about anything in general"

Community Number: 2/2


Community Number: 4


Community Number: 2


"You can talk about anything here! (well, almost anything...)"

Community Number: 5


Various banners with different fonts created for the Anything Goes Community.


"Don't know which communities to join yet? That's okay. This is basically the "Town square" of Sillyverse. Chat it up with new friends, share funny images, or advertise your own communities here! (Seriously, not only is advertising your own communities allowed, it’s encouraged!)

happy new year 2014 !!!"

Community Number: 1


Community Number: 3