
"Ajarverse is a new Miiverse Clone created just for the fun."

Ajarverse's original logo.

Ajarverse's latest logo, created by vkpixel.

Ajarverse was a Miiverse clone created by Bakayun using Galaxy Plaza as a base, under ajarverse.epizy.com. Bakayun began work on it on approximately November 11, 2022.  The next day, the link was accidentally leaked by vkpixel on the Miiverse Clonapedia Discord server before the site was ready. Bakayun officially posted the link on November 13, 2022. On November 16, Bakayun posted that the clone was in "trial period", and that it would undergo maintenance on November 19.

Screenshots of Ajarverse from its beta stage.

Ajarverse underwent its scheduled maintenance on November 19, 2022, which lasted for several days. The maintenance was meant to fix bugs, add new features, and generally polish up the site so that it could be pulled out of its beta stage.

Screenshot of Ajarverse during its maintenance, as well as the full image displayed on the page.

Ajarverse's maintenance ended some time in December of 2022. Bakayun posted the link to Ajarverse again on December 11.

As of December 22, 2022, Ajarverse has been suspended.