
This article is a list of sites that, while functioning like a typical social media site involving Miiverse users, cannot be considered full-on Miiverse clones. While there is no formal definition for what constitutes a Miiverse clone and what doesn't, these platforms were likely not designed to act functionally like Miiverse, and only serve to bring Miiverse users together. The majority of these non-clones are either web forums or Discord servers.


r/Miiverse is the unofficial subreddit for Miiverse, created on June 4, 2012, the day after Miiverse was announced in a Nintendo Direct. It is moderated by u/LordCharco_iii, u/Poyoarya, and u/whathefuckisreddit. It has over 970 members as of December 2020. One of the pinned posts is a directory made by u/Gamer4647 to Discord servers and Miiverse clones.

In addition to this subreddit, there is also a subreddit known as r/MiiverseInAction, which is dedicated to posting Miiverse screenshots that show the "best, worst, and funniest" of the site. The subreddit was created on May 8, 2014, and is moderated by the same users as r/Miiverse. The subreddit has over 16,000 members, dwarfing the original Miiverse subreddit. Another subreddit, r/Miiverse2, was created on December 29, 2018 by u/RamblingBeans, intended to be "Miiverse recreated with less strict rules". The subreddit received minimal activity, with only two posts and eight members.


MiiSmash's logo.

MiiSmash is a forum created by PF2M.


Prior to the North American and European release of Super Smash Bros. for 3DS on October 3, 2014, Miiverse had a community dedicated to the Super Smash Bros. series. Users who posted on the community were known as "Smashers", and they would frequently post off-topic. After the release of Smash 4, the community was replaced with a community for Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U. The Smashers didn't like this change, so they planned to migrate to the Legend of Zelda Series community. The people in the Zelda community didn't welcome the Smashers and reported them en-masse.

At this period of time, PF2M created a forum known as MiiSmash to make a place where Smashers could post off-topic freely. The site had little activity, with only three active Miiverse users on it (Dazant [formerly Dewd], Vectrex, and PF2M himself).

The site would later become inspiration for other forums.

The site can be found here.


"Welcome to SmashPlaza! If you have any questions or concerns, talk to Vectrex! Enjoy your stay, and remember, keep calm and smash on!"

SmashPlaza is the successor to MiiSmash, created by PF2M. It had just as little activity as MiiSmash.

The site can be found here. The weebly site created in conjunction with SmashPlaza can be found here.


"A forum for random stuff!"

SmashFeed's logo.

SmashFeed is a forum created by Dazant, one of the active users of MiiSmash. According to PF2M, it was slightly more successful than the previous two forums.

The site can be found here.

New Miiverse

(Not to be confused with a Miiverse clone planned by Miiverse hacker Talon with the same name.)

"This website was created becuase Miiverse has been going downhill for a long time now, including the posting and commenting rule, the new rule that makes one permanent ban and console ban, and especially the Miiverse administration.  I hope you will enjoy it here!"

New Miiverse's logo.

New Miiverse was a forum created by Brenden (@yearofluigi13 on Twitter) in 2015, under The forum was created due to Miiverse going "downhill" because of the strict administration and permanent bans. It had its own code of conduct, though some rules would be broken without punishment.

According to Brenden, New Miiverse was taken down by Nintendo.

Second Forum

"It is a new fully functional Miiverse. It is for people of any age, and have intrest in Nintendo."

Some time after Brenden's New Miiverse was taken down, another forum named "New Miiverse" was created under the same link. This forum was created by rizuAdminOwn and is unrelated to the first New Miiverse.

Banama Club

The header for the Banama Club Google+ community.

One of Banama Club's banners.

Banama Club (usually shortened to just Banama) was a Google+ community made by Eggie for Miiverse users who posted on the Panama Club community. The name is a portmanteau of "ban" and "Panama Club". It was accessible under


Due to frustration caused by the drama and low effort meme spam of the New Super Luigi U and YouTube communities, some users moved to the Panama Club community to post as it was another community unaffected by the Miiverse redesign. As it gained more activity, users of the Panama Club community would frequently get banned, prompting some users to reach out to others on YouTube.

Because of these factors, on June 2, 2016, Panama Club user Eggie created Banama Club to house fellow Panama Club users, primarily those who were banned frequently on Miiverse. Banama Club started out as a small community, but grew over time as users became more familiar with using and moderating Google+ communities. Most Panama Club members began to post on Banama Club, as Google+ had less restrictive rules compared to Miiverse, while also lacking a post limit. Because of the benefits Google+ had over Miiverse, many members of the Panama Club community opted to post mainly on Banama Club. Many Banama users stayed on the community after Miiverse shut down.  Much like Miiverse and Closedverse, Banama's sizable population made it prone to drama due to trolling and conflict between users. Banama hosted some events, such as Fakemon (fake Pokémon) contests and small Super Smash Bros. tournaments.

Drawings made for the Banama Club Fakemon contests.

Top: "Crabmon" by Workaz

Bottom: "Nodut" by pa1nt bars

During its lifespan, Banama had several sub-communities or "offshoots". There were a handful of Google+ communities that Banama users would chat in, many of which were made by regular users rather than Banama staff members. Some of these included Neo Banama (a "new" version of Banama, as its name implies), Anti Banama (a community made by Coner to express hate for Banama), and Questionable Banama (used for NSFW, which were not allowed in the original Banama). Banama Club also had several group chats on Google Hangouts, all of which ceased function upon Hangouts's shutdown. Banamacord, a Discord server for Banama users, was also created during the club's lifespan, though its activity waned in favor of servers created by individual users.

In March of 2019, on the days prior to Google+'s (and therefore Banama's) shutdown, the link to Banamacord was added to the community tagline to gather Banama members. A group of Oasis users attempted to raid the server, though it was quickly stopped as the possibility of a raid was forseen by moderators. On April 2, 2019, Google shut down Google+, and thus Banama Club became inaccessible. Following discussion of where the community would reside next, PF2M (who was a member of Banama) created a Miiverse clone known as in response to Google+'s shutdown. Banama members were initially skeptical of using a Miiverse clone due to the negative reputation clones had at that point, and did not want to be associated with the Miiverse clone community. They also had privacy concerns, as some Miiverse clone users would frequently visit Banama Club prior to its closure. PF2M stated that the clone would be private and would include its own additions, alleviating the concerns users had about the clone.


MiiWorld's logo.

MiiWorld is the fictional successor to Miiverse that was described in article from the Nintendo fan wiki Fantendo by GrandTheftAutoHero on May 9, 2017.

According to the article, MiiWorld was launched on March 28, 2019, and has compatibility with the Nintendo Switch, alongside the Wii U and 3DS like its predecessor. MiiWorld is also available on web browser and as a mobile application. MiiWorld shares a lot of similarities with Miiverse, though MiiWorld has the following features:

In addition, MiiWorld also has a series of communities dedicated to specific Nintendo characters, such as Mario or Kirby. A list of such communities has its own separate article.

More information on MiiWorld can be found on the Fantendo article.

Miiverse Rewritten (Fantendo)

Miiverse Rewritten is another fictional successor to Miiverse that was described in a Fantendo article by Wild-Spirited Heart on May 19, 2018. The article is mostly a copy-pasted version of the MiiWorld article, with minor changes, including removing every instance of "MiiWorld", usually replaced by "Miiverse Rewritten".

MV Haven

MV Haven's first logo. The second logo crops out "Miiverse continues HERE!".

MV Haven was a forum created by users from the Legend of Zelda Series community under The forum was made in response to the announcement that Miiverse was shutting down. It was semi-active from late 2017 to early 2018. It shut down sometime in 2020.


"Come one, come all! After Nintendo announced the end of Miiverse, I got a crazy idea to make a group here, with the hope that many Miiversians old and new will find their way over here! Share your art, writing, cosplay, sculpting, and whatever other mediums you create with! This will primarily be game-based, but any and all fandoms are welcome!"

MiiverseForever's icon.

MiiverseForever is a DeviantArt group founded by DeviantArt user PhazeyArt and co-founded by DeviantArt users Ryudou and NIN-Neko on August 29, 2017. It was made as a migration space for former Miiverse users, and has 65 members as of September 2020.

It can be found here.


Miiverse-Hub's icon.

The gif on Miiverse-Hub's welcome post.

Miiverse-Hub is a DeviantArt group founded by DeviantArt user xXArtistic14Xx on September 1, 2017. Like MiiverseForever, it was made as a migration place for former Miiverse users, and has 356 members as of September 2020.

It can be found here.


WeVerse icon.

WeVerse or Dougverse is a forum created by a user known as DigDougXD. It is a semi-active clone, and users still occasionally post on the Shoutbox.

The site can be found here.


(Not to be confused with the Miiverse clone of the same name.)

Screenshot of Riiverse.

Riiverse was a forum created by Cosmo in 2017 under It was inspired by both GBATemp and Miiverse. The forum was shut down in mid-2020.

Miiverse Rewritten Amino

(Not to be confused with Rverse, which was originally named Miiverse Rewritten.)

"Social Networks don’t deserve to die if their community is still active."

Logo for the Miiverse Rewritten Amino.

The Miiverse Rewritten Amino is a private Amino community made up of Miiverse users. The amino has over 800 members as of July 2020.

It can be found here.


One of the logos for MiiverseNEO.

MiiverseNEO (known in Japan as Mibaneo), later renamed to Hamster Land (also known as Ham-chan), was a Miiverse replacement created by a Miiverse user known as "Yoshikage" on August 29, 2017 using the Japanese board-making program known as XRIE. It was hosted under the link It could be used on the New Nintendo 3DS. Its current status is unknown.


According to a rough translation from a page about MiiverseNEO, Yoshikage did little to manage the site, and one source described him as "disgusting". Management was moved to another user known as Mr. ★ (sometimes referred to simply as ★). Mr. ★ was able to add more functions to MiiverseNEO and improve the administration of the site.

Drama was apparently common on MiiverseNEO, with the source stating, "When a user exposes something or makes a problem statement, it burns. This is common in the chat [general] community."

On November 27, 2017, all of MiiverseNEO's threads were deleted without notice. The XRIE administration banned any MiiverseNEO user that addressed the issue.

On May 23, 2018, Exverse admin SquidSky "settled" with Mr. ★ on MiiverseNEO. The day after, Mr. ★ briefly shut down the site, and when it came back up, the chat community was renamed to "A Trollless Executive Empire That Should Never Laugh." The background of the site became black and the text became red, giving MiiverseNEO the appearance of a horror site. The site closed shortly after.

When Mr. ★ brought MiiverseNEO back up, he renamed it to Hamster Land. Many users were upset at this change, as the site's Miiverse element was gone (though the background still resembled Miiverse). Apparently, this was done because XRIE deleted sites related to Miiverse. Despite many users' disapproval, some users welcomed the change of the site's atmosphere.

On August 31, 2018, all of the threads on Hamster Land were deleted, and all of the communities except for the chat community were closed. After a few hours, only the user-generated communities could be posted on. Many users speculated that this was done to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of MiiverseNEO.

On January 15, 2019, a user threatened to bomb an elementary school the next day. The user was reported to the police, and the school was temporarily closed. Two users' profiles were reported to the police, and shortly after the ability to edit and delete posts on MiiverseNEO got disabled.

Countless clones of MiiverseNEO have been made, though they usually relate little to Miiverse due to XRIE's restrictions. Most of these clones are listed under Herk's Clonedex.


Discordverse's original icon.

Discordverse is a Discord server created in 2017 and originally owned by Takumi, and later ran by LowFatDalek. Discordverse was advertised as a hub for Miiverse users to post on after Miiverse's shutdown, and was able to garner activity comparable to Closedverse, with it not being uncommon for some people to use the server more. It has around 150 users, however as of 2023 all channels on the server were deleted except for a singular channel that regular members are not allowed to post in.

Miiverse Discord

A video showcasing the Miiverse Discord server.

The Miiverse Discord is a Discord server created in 2017. As of 2020, the server had around 900 users and was still somewhat active, though activity would go down over time.


Miicord's former and current icon.

Miicord is another Discord server relating to Miiverse. According to its now-defunct website, the server is in the process of moving. Currently, Miicord is up as an "archive" with around 30 users on it.


"Petitverse is a Miiverse-style bulletin board community. You can write immediately without user registration."

Petitverse's logo.

Petitverse is a Japanese Miiverse-like bulletin board forum, hosted under It was opened temporarily on November 1, 2017, a week before Miiverse's shutdown, and was officially opened on November 8, 2017, following the shutdown.

There is a singular community on the site, the Petit Computer Unofficial Community, meant for discussion of the Petit Computer software application for the Nintendo DSi. The creator has no plans to make any more communities because they "can't manage it."

Despite having only one community for a relatively niche topic, the site receives a considerable amount of activity.


(Not to be confused with Rverse, which was named Reverse at one point.)

Reverse's logo, spelled as "Riiverse".

Reverse is a forum created by a user known as Chill Mario on November 8, 2017. The site had a posting system that used the blogging website Blogger, though it no longer works. It also has an embedded Google Group.

The site can be found here.

Nextverse ZERO

Nextverse ZERO is a Japanese forum created by SquidSky, the creator of Exverse, on November 19, 2017. The forum is hosted under, with being SquidSky's cloud server for hosting various projects. The forum receives little activity, though it has been spammed several times.


A logo for Gnarly-Chan.

Screenshots of Gnarly-Chan.

Gnarly-Chan was a 4chan clone created by clone user Gnarly with the help of PF2M. It was released on March 24, 2018 under the domain On March 30, 2018, a strawpoll was created, asking about what features should be added to Gnarly-Chan. It has since shut down.


Wiiverse's logo.

Wiiverse was a Miiverse replacement created by FunnyBone on February 3, 2018 (originally planned to be released February 7). It was a Wix site hosted under the link Wiiverse had an original design during its first phase, but in its second phase, it used a design to look more like Miiverse. Groudonkid208 uploaded the trailer to Wiiverse on YouTube, though his involvement on the site is unknown. The site was shut down by Matrix on June 28, 2018 due to the staff fighting over personal matters. On July 6, 2018, FunnyBone made a video regarding the shutdown of Wiiverse.

Wiiverse's community menu.


BlueHood's icon.

BlueHood (initially known as Twiverse) was a Japanese forum structured similarly to Miiverse. It was active since at least September of 2018. From what could be gathered on it, the site connected with Twitter accounts, specifically images posted by users. The site claimed to use AI image recognition to sort images into different communities. It also has a black-and-white drawing feature and stamps, similar to Miiverse. In addition, users were able to create their own communities.

BlueHood was shut down on July 31, 2019.


"Welcome to a basic social media, which I made with the help of which helped me out a lot!"

Image on the N0whereVerse home page.

N0whereVerse was a "basic social media" made by N0where on September 9, 2018, under It is hosted on Google Sites, and the forum part of the site was made using The site uses a Google Form that asks for a name and the contents of the comment, which is posted on a spreadsheet along with the exact time the form was submitted. However, the spreadsheet does not display comments for an unknown reason.

Due to Classic Google Sites being phased out in January of 2023, N0whereVerse is no longer viewable.


"Hello, and welcome to Woodverse, the nicest Miiverse clone >:]"

Top of Woodverse's home page.

Woodverse is a forum made by the user Mattjod on September 10, 2018. The site is based on the Mega Man character Wood Man, specifically his meme rendition created by the YouTube channel SiIvaGunner. Mattjod states that the site was made as a joke and is a "blatant ripoff" of N0whereVerse, using the same features. He claimed that N0whereVerse did not seem to be working, and that he made the site because he was bored. Unlike N0whereVerse, which uses classic Google Sites, Woodverse uses the current version of Google Sites.

The site can be found here.


Screenshot of N0Verse.

N0Verse is a forum created by N0where on November 4, 2018, under The forum has over 18 members, though it has little activity.


"Wave is a new gaming based social media where users aren't walled off to only posts from those they've followed."

Concept image of Wave.

Wave was a cancelled project developed by several members of the Indigo Team in early 2019. The project was not revealed to the Indigo userbase. Rather than build a Miiverse clone, the team intended on building a social media with a completely different interface. Rather than communities or hubs, users would select the games and topics they were interested in and receive posts based on those topics in their feed. The site would also have a sidebar similar to Discord.

An entire project plan was written, with a conceptualization phase, a web version development phase, a phase for iOS/Android apps, and finally, an advertising, publishing, and release phase. However, due to Ben's departure from the Indigo Team and the internet as a whole, the rest of the team (Gnarly, Pip, Triangles, and SRGNation) lost interest in the project, rendering it defunct.


"Welcome to the community of people who won't let Miiverse go even though it's been 80-something weeks since it died.

And now that Oasis is yeeted, thanks PF2M ya creeper, this can become relevant-ish

But welcome all the same lol"

PASHverse's icon.

PASHverse is a theTUNDRA group created by N0where in early 2019.

It can be found here.

Miiverse 3

(Not to be confused with Miiverse 3.0.)

Logo for the Miiverse 3 Discord server, along with a link to the server.

Miiverse 3 was a Discord server related to Miiverse. The subreddit for it, r/miiverse3, was created on January 28, 2019, with the moderators being u/SplooshyBoi, u/xsapling_, and u/Konata89. It is likely that the Discord server was created around the same time period. Both of the invite links posted on the subreddit have expired, so the server was presumably deleted.


Screenshot of Sexverse.

Sexverse was a site made by konameme. The initial version of the site was launched on April 14, 2019 following the shutdown of Oasis, under The site used basic HTML and a template from for each of the communities. While the site managed to attract some activity, it was shut down 2 days after its launch due to a raid. However, the site was brought back up, with its sole community being the Anything Goes Community. This version of Sexverse was eventually shut down.

On June 17, 2020, konameme launched another version of Sexverse under the domain, but was shut down the same day after the free hosting provider suspended the domain. Despite the domain going back online the next day, a raid by Sosig lead to Sexverse being shut down. This version of Sexverse was brought back as an "archive", though comments could still be made on the communities. Like the previous iteration of Sexverse, this iteration was also shut down.


Screenshot of LiiVerse posted on the GBATemp forum.

LiiVerse was a Miiverse "revival" created by BeckTendo according to the Wara Wara wiki Wiki. However, it was shown on the GBATemp forum by the user Iniass, who claimed to be the creator of the site, in May of 2019. It was hosted under

Iniass stated that the site would feature "groups" instead of communities, and that user profiles were able to be customized "like facebook". He also stated that the site had 15 members. Some GBATemp users began mocking Iniass and assumed that he used a template. One stated that the project was unnecessary due to an "actually really good" Miiverse clone already existing.

LiiVerse has since been deleted.

Miiverse Online Edition

Miiverse Online Edition was a Spanish-language Miiverse forum released in June of 2019. It was made by Aritfroz and MiiNewOE, the former of which created an article on the forum on Miiversepedia on June 3, 2019. It was last known to be active in May of 2022. It was hosted under The forum has since shut down.

The site was notable for allowing users to choose their gender identity while signing up, with a peculiar list of options. These options, when translated, included: Woman, Man, Little Boy, Little Girl, Robot, Transgender Man, Transgender Woman, Alien, Animatronic, Business, Entrepreneur@, Developer @ Indie, Pokémon, Baby, and "I prefer not to answer".


TELE VERSE front page image.

TELE VERSE is a Google site created by the user teletaki, and a link to the site was given on April 27, 2020, though activity can be traced back to March 18, 2020. The site was made to be a "Miiverse clone". The site has a "games" section which features embedded Scratch projects. The site also has a "comment section" where a Google Form can be filled out, which has a section for the comment and the commenter's name. The comments are automatically sent to a spreadsheet (shown below the form).

The site can be found here.


"Boot_Media is the first website in the world that isn't a fucking Miiverse clone."

Boot_Media was a forum created by SRGNation on May 29, 2020. It was available under the link It described itself as being "the best website in the fucking universe simply because it isn't a Miiverse clone." It had at least three different communities: the Alpha Community, the Beta Community, and the Doge Community. It has since shut down.


Pissverse Twitter account icon.

pissverse is a fictional Miiverse clone created by Ash (formerly known as DerpJacob). "Screenshots" of pissverse were first posted by Ash on May 30, 2020. These images were intended to parody popular Miiverse clones from 2017-2019. The pissverse Twitter account (@pissverse) was also created that month, but did not make posts until September 6, 2020. The account posted an additional image showing a fake pissverse post that day, and posted another image on September 8. This would be the account's final post.

According to the pinned tweet of the pissverse account, pissverse could possibly be a real clone "in the future", but this statement was likely not to be taken seriously, and no real clone has been made since then. The tweet also states that users could directly message the account to opt out of being parodied.


fedimint's logo.

fedimint is a Fediverse instance created by Mintphin, accessible under the link Mintphin first announced the site on the Uiiverse Discord server on July 6, 2020.

Miiverse 3.0

(Not to be confused with Miiverse 3.)

Icon and Twitter banner for Miiverse 3.0.

Miiverse 3.0 (otherwise known as Miiverse 3.0 Honeycomb) was a Japanese Discord server created in early August of 2020. It also has a Twitter account (@Miiverse30).

Icons for Miiverse 5.0 and Miiverse 6.0.

This Discord server was part of a series of servers of a project known as "Miiverse for Discord", according to its now-defunct website There were also related Discord servers known as Miiverse 5.0 lollipop and Miiverse 6.0 Marshmallow. All of these servers have since been deleted.


"Naverse, A new generation clone!"

Naverse is a website created by Mollie1 under, using the website maker Webnode. Mollie1 posted the link to the site on Ciiverse Jr, stating that it was a "troll clone". While Naverse has a "chat" section, no public messages can be made. On the main page, Mollie1 suggests that Naverse might become a legitimate Miiverse clone in 2021 or 2022 if Nyargle, the host of Ciiverse Jr, sends code. This is presumably the reason why the site has a page titled "SendCode", which states that the site needs HTML code. On January 6, 2021, Mollie1 made a post on Ciiverse Jr stating that he moved the website to This rendition of Naverse is made with Wix and has a forum page.


Banner for the Remadeverse: Alpha Discord server.

Remadeverse: Alpha, or simply Remadeverse, was a Discord server created by GreenBoi on April 4, 2021. It was described as a "Discord clone of Miiverse" by GreenBoi, with all the channels labeled as communities. It has since been deleted due to inactivity.

Miiverse Online

"Miiverse Online is a Miiverse clone for interaction, healthy discussions, and learning. This Miiverse clone provides a user-friendly platform both for those seeking new information and for people who want to share their ideas and expertise with other members. Check out the active threads, or create one of your own today."

Miiverse Online's logo.

Miiverse Online is a Wix-powered forum made by Kod777 on July 1, 2021 under Users can create threads in different communities.


Zyro (originally known as Clonahome) was a website made by Rix on August 27, 2021 under According to Rix, Zyro wasn't a Miiverse clone, but a but a "centralized home" for Miiverse clone users, with "free speech for everyone". On January 16, 2021, Zyro was shut down and now suggest the user to move on to RixyCloud "to continue using a Zyro-alike environnement".


"writable is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?"

writable's logo.

Image displayed on the writable home page.

writable was a social media service that was administered by Term and bruhdude, hosted under Prior to December 20, 2021, users could use Project Silver to sign up for the site.

The site was a recreation of Twitter's old layout made by web archive screenshots. The website was a modified version of a repository known as witter, made by chief bazinga on GitHub.

It has since shut down.


Universe's logo.

Christien Chapman's video showcasing Universe.

Universe is a Miiverse-inspired forum created by Christien Chapman under  It was created using Wix within the span of a day. It is described as a service "tailored to users of the Wii U, 3DS, and Nintendo Switch." Christien Chapman uploaded his first video on Universe on December 24, 2021, showcasing the website with commentary. During December, he would also upload an audio piece relating to Universe, and four videos showing the site's features with text commentary, each in a different language: English, Spanish, Japanese, and French.


RixyCloud's logo

Screenshot of RixyCloud

RixyCloud is a semi-public Nextcloud-based cloud provider made by Rix on January 16, 2022 under Users need to complete a Google Form to activate their accounts.  The cloud provider is used for Miiverse clones such as CloneMii, though the site also has social media functions. On January 17, 2022, Rix made RixyCloud semi-public, meaning users can create an account but the account needs to be activated by an admin.


"Noted is an online service that allows you to share 'notes' to people around the world."

Noted's logo.

Advertisement for Noted on CloneMii.

Noted was a social media service created by bruhdude in January of 2022, under It was an open-source clone of Google+ that allowed users to share notes with others. The service used Terminal Network, which was required for users to sign up and log in.

As of June 2022, Noted has shut down.


"Hello. I loved Miiverse but it shutdown in 2017. Now in 2022, I made a clone. Have fun here and read the rules."

Discverse's server icon.

Discverse is a Discord server created by the user Digital Cheese on January 31, 2022. On February 2, 2022, Digital Cheese made a post about the Discord server on the Grape rehost Pear. In the post, he stated that the server was still in development. 

The Discord server has channels representing different communities.  The server also has "album" channels, where users can create threads containing screenshots of certain games. All channels aside from the album channels have a 1 minute delay when posting.

Rixy News

Rixy News was a Hacker News-styled website created by Rixy on February 28, 2022 under It is also there that the first instance of a Blueverse rehost has been seen, here. It has since shut down.


Screenshot of Usered.

Usered is a social media service created by Rix in May of 2022 using pure CSS and HTML. Sign ups are currently disabled.


Screenshot of MiiVerseRewritten.

MiiverseReWritten is a website created on May 23, 2022 under The site has a Twitter account under @MiiVerseRewritt. The Twitter account posted the link to the site on May 23, stating that it was restarted for "beta testing" and would "be closed shortly". On May 28, 2022, the Twitter account stated that the site would shut down that day on 12:00 PM PST. The site remains active, but posts can no longer be made.

Bare Dan Divorce

Screenshot of

Bare Dan Divorce was a website created by Terminal in August of 2022 under Much like Anonyverse, it allowed users to anonymously post messages without needing to sign up. All messages were deleted each day at 9:00 PM PST. It has since shut down.

Screenshot of

A new version of the site was released on February 10, 2024 under It functions similarly to the previous iteration of the site, with posts once again being deleted each day at 9:00 PM PST, but having a dark background. As of March 2024, the site has been made unavailable, with it being replaced with the image below.

Image displayed on as of March 2024.


Screenshot of bbverse.

bbverse was a website created by the user tingy0056. It was meant to be a Miiverse clone made with phpBB. On August 18, 2023, tingy0056 posted the link to bbverse,, on the rverse Discord server. Members of the server quickly pointed out that the site used Clipbucket, a service used to create PHP-based video sharing websites, and that sign-ups did not work. tingy0056 stated that they chose Clipbucket because they did not know what software to use to make the clone. bbverse has since shut down.