Your Bill Came To

Your Bill Came To

"Dear Mr E Povey, Your bill came to £46.56. You don't need to do anything - we'll take this amount from your bank account on or just after 3 December."

As I reflect.

On the above letter.


On my sentimental attachment to former state monopolies.

I think of the game Monopoly.

Of my childish thwarted Petit Bourgeois rage.

Of losing money at that early age.

Son of a Marxist.

I shouldn't have cared.

Just my teeth bared.

And the money teared.

Perhaps my desire to alternately own, trade, take and give away.

Is just an example of a way.

A system in a state of extreme non equilibrium.

Has self regulating features.

Our nature needs no teachers.

Is Smith right?

That there's no need to fight.

The chaos of this human system

Or Marx that the proles are the agents of history.

In theology we have this question of free will.

Will she.

Or won't she.

Join a trade union.

Or buy one get one free.

To return to the bill.

That I "don't have to do anything"

Is supposed my heart to fill.

Instead it makes a chill.

Down my spine.

If I go over my overdraft.

I will pay a fine.

The double speak is sublime

Ewan Povey