Facebook poems Pt1

I take love where I can find it

Usually down the back of the sofa

The crazyoverlord

Is a crazyoverloafer

Look up 'lord' in the OED

And you will understand me


I am a lonely pilgrim

Attending lovely shrines

Forever aware of damnation

My pagan temple shines


Nescesity is The Mother of Invention

Love will tear us apart

Love and hate both play their part

In the end who can tell them apart

Love can be nothing but attachment

Hate can bring much needed detachment

Love sustains the universe in its unity

But separation is what makes each life seperately

I think of 'the three vineagar tasters'

And realise that Taoists are not wasters

They realise that life is sweet as it is

La vie et douce

That is why we reproduce

Even to live in pain

Has something to entertain

But love is very real

That opposites atract is the reason the universe is such a hot meal

Creation is sustained this love

At a quantum and classical level

That they dont quite meet is the work of the devil

But his work is to keep things turning

To keep the fires burning

There is good in evil

And evil in good

This is something little understood


I've got a lot a heart

But its all broken apart

I go around giving out pieces

Like my name was Reece's

I dont so much make love to measure

As there is a piece of every size in my treasure

Come search in my pile

Though it may take a while

You will find what you need

If for love you greed

It may not be what you want

Ca me hant

The hammer haunts me

The sicle daunts me

Adam Smith sells me

Margaret Thatcher smells me

Do I rhyme for no reason?

Does my love have no season?

Is it the lack of sex?

Is that why Im vex?

I have no lack of orgasm

It is meaning that is a phantasm

I am the host

Who chases after ghosts

I need a whole spirit

No one knows my limit



I share a piece of my broken heart

I get a piece of it back



I am put in working order

I have work to do

Can't afford no shoe


When I die

Something will take my place

Though it may nor have my face



Is pregnant with possibility

Perhaps we shouldn't talk of Creation

But, instead, of Creativity


"I am about as sacred as a bag of shit

Ask yourself what I mean by that

And the truth?

You will approach it"


"Titanic went down a long time ago

But you sure aint sunk my battle ship

I'm in a grim fandago

Go ahead with your little lip"


Even Lenin had faith

Perhaps most of all

Leap. Leap. Leap.

He wrote

Thats what started it all It can just mean complete trust and confidence

Who doesn't want that

But you can't have trust and demand the facts

The further out it goes

The less knowledge is

How can we know we will always have a full fridge

In order to get up in the morning

We must trust that life is not one endless mourning

I'm not looking through rose tinted spectacles

I have faith that suffering is more than a spectacle

But that there is freedom I have faith in that too

I hold this faith for me not for you

That I might chant the Nembutsu

Is proof to me that my fight is not through

Of my reason you may consider it a defeat

That I believe in the power of rubbing my feet

Who knows the truth of faith healing

It's just that sometimes its your faith that needs healing


Into the light

Into the light

Mother Nature

Just don't give a shite

You say


Why would she let us kill the gay.

Or the Jews

Well it's a womans right to choose

Who knows the reasons

For her many seasons

We must take the rough

With the smooth

It is not for us to choose

Or to demand to win not lose

Mother nature can be a bitch

To the poor and the rich


They can both take a hike

Even if they're Bill or Mike

Does she love us?


What does she demand of us?

The best

Why does she bear us?

For a jest

I am her fool

Tidal waves are her tool

Death is her midwife

Repetition her afterlife

Does this make sense?

Is it worth the expense?

Of sitting on these pews?

Do we like the muse?

Sick. And. Hour. Mess. Age

Is it repetition or pl-age


Is this Rasta or schism

Am I commiting error or errorism?

Is there spirituality in eroticism?

Is there Jesus in a drop of jism?

Am I a particle or a wave?

Oh do behave!


"I will weather your charmless offensive

In the hills I will hide

My tactics preventitive

There I will find a tribe of my own

Blameless will be the 300 households of the town


"What do you call a science fiction film with a Geordie who becomes plagued by dreams of laying eggs on a beach on an alien planet? Turtle Recall."


The Universe has a dissociative personality disorder. This is all that keeps it in order. If it had to face the facts. There would be blood on the tracks. Maybe that's what war is about. Maybe its best that we think about nowt. But still we can't help it. Knowledge we just can't shelve it. From the tree of knowledge we eat. Perhaps our mouthfuls should be petit. The Universe is a greedy cow.But there is always enough for NOW."


Where is significance. If all we do is dance. The music's the thing. The joy that it brings. Sometimes brings pain. When the tune is too the same. Repetition can be torture. Forgetfulness is our fortune. It is the doom of men that they forget. But it can also protect."


"The house always wins. It's waste it never bins. The casino always recycles. There will always be more Michaels."


"Life, the universe and everything. Has two roots. One at the top. One at the bottom. One that is fresh. One that is rotton. They are both the same. That's the Game. You see. Lunch ain't free. But breakfast and dinnar. Guaranteed they are."


"I vow to rescue all beings from their sentience. Each and every one of them a reflex. A quiver of the universal flesh. Much like the mountain. They seem to last for some days. They drink from the fountain. They ride the crest of a wave. They are more like a single cry of joy and pain. Then tears lost in the rain. Nothing the God of Biomechanics won't let you into heaven for. Of life we want more. But when you realise the ubiquity of life. Then perhaps you cease to seek another wife. All children are yours. Even those on other worlds. Given time and tide. We all will have a go on the ride. What the hell this fact means. Is for each to decide."


"You say a cloud cannot act. But perhaps your free will is just an act. What if that was put in reverse? How much of your life do you rehearse?"


"We are all and we are all (sic) systems in states of extreme non equilibrium, like the weather. Don't ask me whether this means owt. I ain't got a Nobel Prize to give me clout. Just sayin that maybe that cloud is your brother. Maybe the shaman aint a charlatan. Is there an implicate order. The line between truth and bullshit, I am on the border."


Is a total homeopath. Don't mess or I'll respond with a microscopic amount of brutal force."


I don't know if anyone sane is awake at 4 am and listening to Dev on radio one, but I find him quite amusing when I have a bout of insomnia. Here is the text I sent his show last night. "Hey dev. I usually listen when i just don't sleep all night cos im never up at this time. Up here in leeds its amazing to listen to your comedy london accent. You're really from devon right? Hence the name? You just put the accent on. Surely. Keep up the charade. We all love it. I think we all secretly love you but are terrified and delighted by the prospect of you dryly mocking us if confess our love. If they could turn you into a substance you would be illegal. Only you could make this time of the day seem funny. I say this in my capacity as patriarch of the cult of the laughing buddha (this cult is for entertainment purposes only) Ewan from leeds."


Question. If two men go to the funereal of their beloved mother. If one says how much he will miss her love but knows that she is in a better place and the other says he will miss her love but wishes to celebrate and remember her life without believing it continues metaphysically. Now if these two brothers get into a row over her grave over what words should be spoken, if they begin to fight and, in their struggle, they fall into said grave and break open the lid to her coffin exposing her to the rain. If blaming each other for this they proceed to fight to the death. What would the mother have made of this?"


"How many crooks.

Steal books?

Too few.

If only they knew...


I'm sorry but I refuse to prejudge the results of the parliamentary inquiry into the banking fraud. Your question implies that this inquiry is an attempt to sweep the wholesale corruption of our financial system under the carpet. I refuse to accept this until we have seen the results of the inquiry. We cannot allow the public belief that bankers, politicians, media barons and police have had theirnoses in the trough for at least the past 30 years and that we are ruled by a self perpetuating capitalaucracy to drag on until something is done about it. It is in the interests of the entire club of my rich mates that the status quo is protected at all costs. That is why we need quick action to make sure the public can be sent back to sleep. Look into my eyes, not around the eyes, immediately into the eyes. You're under! You will forget that you are being ripped off on an industrial scale and go back to blaming all your problems on the human rights act. You're back in the room!



"The badly dressed universe hypothesis."

"In truth

We are here to laugh, dream and die

Without ever knowing why."


"ME: "God?"

GOD: "Yes My son?"

ME: "Why?"

GOD: "Why not?""



Baby this ain't no two stage rocket

Where I leave you behind when I exit the atmosphere

Baby you are my wings

But more than that you are my landing gear

Without you I would crash land I fear

Even rocket science can be romantic

Without you I would be frantic

Houston a problem we would be having

If your love you were not giving

It is my oxygen, my fuel

To ditch you would make me a fool


"Rome wasn't built in a day; but it usually took about that long to sack it."


"They call me Shaman Anger. I only rehearse for you the signs I see in my sick. It is for the tribal elders to decide what to do. I merely tell you what The Buffalo told me..."


The music of the flower of my youth echos from the deep

Le Corps D'Espirit I did keep

Even if like a ninja I did creep

Those rebel songs of great conformity stir my soul

I narrowly avoided an own goal

I gave life to the foal

Revolt was not in fashion in my youth

Nor was telling the truth

All around was artifice and spin

But things have to begin


If you shout at the top of a mountain

No one may hear you

But you may cause an avalanche



"Everything I vowed I did. Even if I ran and hid. Still down to hell I slid. I sacrificed for what is right. I dont kid."


"Some kiss ass to get to the top

I kiss ass to get to the bottom

That's where the ass is

Or have you forgotten"




"How big do the gapse have to be before a synapse becomes impossible? With all that power out there. Makes ya think. Well It makes me think. Do I make it think? What is it?"