Bird of Prey

Every bird of prey

Will be eaten by a bigger predator

Or many many smaller ones

Do we in truth live on

In the bellies of our enemies

If we are forever dieing

Then death where is thy sting

Our enemies may kill us

But the resentment in their bellies never dies

Never mind how horribly we die

Their hatred is never sated

Till perhaps they open their hearts to compassion

But then they must die our death over and over

In that inescapable prison cell

The multiverse

Some shake their head a little at my 'wishful thinking'.

Ha! I haven't been naive more than a few times

A year or two here and their

My sexual morality lies not in a heavenly purity

But in an intimate understanding

Of the nature of suffering

Ye who hate me

You will die

Not by my hand

But by that of nature

You will suffer much before that

Likely you will die horribly

Possibly over and over again

I tell ye now

Seize your chance to love

And live free from anger

For ye shall never win

Nature makes fools of us all

Perhaps over and over again


Nay. The torture never stops

Seems the realist position

From where I stand

I am not a fantasist

Just because ye are too naive to understand

You don't want to see what these eyes of seen

But in all likelyhood you will

Just sit and breathe while you can

Oxygen and food and friendship are all quite a thrill

Povey 2013