May 2015

I have looked in the stars

And I can see no further than May 7th

Two thousand and fifteen

It doesn't take astrology

To see that we are locked in a pattern till then

If you see what I mean

Many wish

To to give the establishment a bish


One in the eye for the Fasch

But most are ready to wait

They do not share the desperation

Of the marginalised

Nor share concerns about how their healthcare

Is run

At least not in the short run

They are very happy to see 'scroungers' get the boot

And happy to see the public sector squeezed

To boot

Not enough people

With enough power

Are suffering enough

For the masses to start talking in terms of workers power

Most are worse off

But those with the labour clout to strike back

Aren't even taking days off

Clinging as they do

To a privilege or two

They have no hunger to topple the system

That pays for a single malt

Or two

Nor likely could they

I suspect that the Tories might like them to have a go

I should say

Would give them an excuse

For a fascist state of emergency

For a couple of days

Where they could screw us all down

In various ways

Marx was right about class struggle

I'm no boy in a bubble

But take a lesson from internal martial arts

Before any counter offensive starts

One must stay on ones feet

And breathe deep

One's mind must be clear of anger

Or one is headed for disaster

One must use one's opponen'ts strength against them

When one's odds of winning are three hundred to ten

One must clarity in the struggle find

Using his own weapons

One must one's opponent bind

One must win over his allies to your side

There is little to gain in Revolutionary Suicide

Realise that many are yet to decide

Many would rather run and hide

Stay supple and limber

Don't get stuck in the past like Charlie Kimber

The field of battle is constantly in a process of change

Realise the weak run their forces on nothing but loose change

Also realise that Parliament controls the loyalty

Of the men with guns

We cannot fight them with no Chelsea Buns

Until May 7th, Parliament is the only game in town

There is little hope of tearing the whole thing down

One must win the battle of ideas

That in truth

Is what commands the tanks and their gears

Povey 2013