The Cosmos Knows

The Cosmos knows

That given time

All debts are paid

But heaven knows

Not all debts are paid on time

Some will seemingly forever

Get away with terrible crime

The Sage pays their bill

And perhaps a tip

When they don't get their due

They don't lose their grip

Every woman is their mother

Every man their brother

Families are sometimes unkind

But by familiar bonds they are bound

If the Sage doesn't get paid

Then surely will another

As long as she has cleared her own debts

Then there is no need to bother

At the End Of Her Days

She will be hailed by gratefull debtors

And her eternal rest will be all the better

You will say "this is naive you know?"

I say it is better than trying to get your due

By demanding recompense

On a daytime reality chat show

The Sage keeps his intellectual property

Even his dissapointment

And short change

Is currency

With it he can always buy a cup of tea

And some sympathy

While the soul of a debt collector

Gathers dust

In a splendour that is solitary

For even when a Sage is alone

The very Silence itself

Has 5 minutes to hear her groan

Thus her credit is good

And occasional late payment is understood

He turns the other cheek

And inherits the silent endorsement of the meek

They are all around us you know?

A Sage King who thus earths her empire

His power doth grow and grow

Povey 2016