It's Time For a Name Change

ts Time For A Name Change

Surely its false advertising

To call one selves 'The Conservatives.'

When 'The Wreckers' better serves

Perhaps a re-branding

As 'The World-Class-Wrecking-Cru.'

Would make them appeal to me and you.

Has the ruling class decided.

That the middle class and their institutions must go.

The nobility want one last throw.

Of the dice.

To take away the slice.

Of power

That guardian readers.

Have over the shower.

Of shit.

That sit.

In Parliament.

Is that what Cameron meant.

When he talked of the big society.

Eliminating variety.

And everyone just staring at the main stage.

Where one official must gauge.

The lights, the camera, the action.

A one man Tory faction.

Ruling over us all.

With no one his time to call.

A permanent Tory majority.

Aint it a pity...

Ewan Povey