Objective Ontology

Just tends to be the lens through which I see things Dave. For instance I could say 'I dont believe in life after death but then Im not sure I believe in life at all which possibly amounts to the same thing.' Interesting things happen when you wipe Metaphysics off the slate, even right down into your own sense of self. Its difficult to do this and remain sane, but I went mad years ago so strangely a certain insanity is a road back to reason. I mean what I am saying is not particularly original. It is basically a certain kind of Zen/Tao wrapped up in a kind of pop 21st century (logical) positivism. I have kind of cornered the market in this, but that's just because that's where my life has led me. My sanity depends on squaring eastern ontology with western epistemology. I reckon it makes a pretty good fit but it takes some thought, so I kind of live in the hills and occasionally run down into town to loot and pillage. That said it is pop positivism cos I have no more than a B grade at GCSE to fence with, so I am reluctant to stand and fight. I more seek to incite. I like to rhyme. Is that a crime? But to answer your point, which I think is very valid. I would be happy to accept that there was a spectrum of processes, from the very static, passive and simple to the very complex, high energy and self organising, but they are all processes. In fact perhaps there is nothing but process. But then I am probably more complex (if not high energy or self organising ) than many of my peers but my peers are still people. Little doubt there are creatures in the Universe that would view us as simple simpletons, yet we have our virtues... I mean I cant do an exposition of the whole way that I view things, but like I say, if one can become comfortable with viewing ones ontology as being that of a pure object but extend how groovy one feels ones objectivity to be, to all objects, to The Object, then... Well you end up in an interesting place...