Perfik Day

Just a perfect day

Drank oolong in your flat


You called the dog a rat

Tom went home

Just a perfect day

Talked gossip in the dole que

Then later

A movie too

And then home

Oh its such a perfect day

I'm glad I spent it with you

Oh such a perfect day

You just keep me hanging on

You just keep me hanging on

Just a perfect day

Joked with Michael on the phone

Bought a pass

For the hackney zone

Its such fun

Just a perfect day

You made me cross more safe

Went to the picture framing place

The price was good

Oh its such a perfect day

I'm glad I spent it with you

Oh such a perfect day

You just keep me hangin on

You just keep me hangin on

Its like we reaped

Just what we sowed

Its like we reaped

Just what we sowed


Song by Lou Reed, Alternative Lyrics By E J Povey inspired by Phillippa Heath-Philpotts