Gorrilla Fellini

Is it wrong of me

To crave the heteronormative

See for me

Such things are genuinely explorative

Is it odd

If I strive to get up

Tool up

Drop in

And get to work

Am I the assassin of rock n roll

If I choose a quiet life

With a little mock n stroll

What if I think

That the family isnt exactly

A bourgois institution

As such

Even though I dont exactly

Want the reality

Of a conventional marriage

Very much

Or simultaneously do

Even though with it

I couldnt go through

So Valentines Day

Is a bubble gum capitalist festival

For me it is an orgy of magical thinking

Like synchronistically

Meeting an American

Guitar shop owner called Val

Short for Valentine

From somewhere like Virgina

On Thursday 12th of February

A couple of days after renewing

A sacred vow of love

And waking up in the shower

Like Bobby Ewing

So what if my dream is a little American

That I strive to be more









'Self interested'

And yes yes yes



Im not entirely convinced I can spell it

Sure you are all moving left

That is the tide of history

But Zeus and Jung

Demand in the name of my individuation

That I move Right

As is my right

So please let me pass

And please please please

Dont invoke my social class

Or my fading rational credentials

Or my lost revolutionary potentials

Just be pleased that I didnt turn into


And let me get on with playing

The gorrilla Fellini

Povey 2015