
And by the way, whatever else The Labour Party may have done, they did not 'leave me to languish in welfare dependancy.' They paid for me to have an affordable education, for there to be various agencies to help me into work or voluntary work and for numerous mental health professionals of the NHS (remember that organisation) to help me with my recovery and in building a meaningful life. They brought in the disability discrimination act and launched a number of initiatives to make it easier for the mentally ill and disabled to work. Crucially though they never launched an entire election campaign with a shameless act of scapegoating that would have made hitler blush. Scapegoating of literally the most vulnerable group in society, literally medically incapable of defending themselves. Well I may be a nutta and a nuerotic mess but I happen to have Mars in Gemini so I can at least talk a good fight. That said this scapegoating campaign and the threat of having to grovel before ATOS drove me closer to suicide than I've ever been (oof thats pretty close...)