Eli V S Prophecy FBI (Mini Synopsis For Rewrite Acts 2 and 3)

Mini Treatment for Eli V.S Prophecy FBI

Acts 2 and 3 Pg1

Prophecy calls Agent Meclenburg who ,eets him in a car out side the movie studio. Driving at breakneck speed round Hollywood, Meclenburg demands to know if Prophecy takes the Totallist threat seriously now. Prophecy says he will do anything necessary to defeat them. Meclenburg says first he must get in shape. Prophecy despairs and says there isn't time. Meclenburg says this isnt Hollywood, you can't just cut to the chase and be mission ready. You've got to put in the work.

Prophecy undergoes a six week regime of exercise, diet and spy training at the end of which he is a lean, mean spying machine.

Meclenburg gives a briefing. He shows slides of leading Totallists. He says that the weak link might lie with the Young Lions Party, a Black Nationalist group in Watts. Meclenburg suggests that they might be broken away from Tottalism. If only they could figure out how.

Prophecy dresses down in jeans, leather trenchcoat and a woolwen hat. He takes to wandering the streets of Watts begging for change. He witnesses police harrasing young black men and the Young Lions Party stepping to stop it. He goes to the party HQ and offers to help. He is told that his help isn't wanted.

Sitting in a bar thinking of his next move he witnesses the party official who rejected him meeting a man who seems to be an undercover agent of some kind. They exchange envelopes. Prophecy follows the agent who goes into a tarot shop which is a front for a brothel. Getting past the door with his charm and humour, prophecy fnds himself in a room with a girl. He asks her questions. She reads his tarot, coming up with the card 'Death' for his future. Tottalist agents burst in and prophecy has to fight his way out of the building. On his way he gets his hands on a Totallist ID card.

Returning to Young Lions HQ he presents his card and demands to see Julius Brown, leader of the party. He is kept waiting on a folding plastic chair, finally he is shown

Prophecy and Fat Leroy are picked up by a car with blacked out windows. They are taken to a briefing with Agent Meclenburg. They are show a series of slides and documents relating to the wholesale brainwashing of large numbers of key individuals. He tells them that their plan is to put in place a shadow government, kill the real leaders of America then declare a permanent martial law. Prophecy asks reluctantly whether they may have brainwashed Cherie. Meclenburg answers that having found him too difficult to kill, they may have chosen to break his heart, so yes it is possible. He outlines the details of the armed compound where he thinks she may be kept, but says that it they cannot make a direct assualt as they believe it is booby trapped with an atomic device and is in a civilian area. Prophecy proposes surrendering himself to them, escaping, defusing the device, then sending a signal for federal forces to attack the building. Meclenburg says this would be a suicide mission and that he cannot sanction it, even for the safety of America. Prophecy says that he's not doing this one for America, he's doing it for love. Meclenburg then agrees.

Prophecy undergoes surgery to fit a number of devices under his skin: a lock pick, a tiny magnetic device to disable the bomb and tiny radio transmitter. He also undergoes a crash regime of slimming drugs and exercise to get in shape.

Surrendering himself, Prophecy is searched before he is presented in a silver jump suit before Derrick Davis. Davis mocks him and everything that he stands for, but Prophecy defends America and traditional values eloquently. Davis declares himself bored and proposes that he might prefer to discuss this with one of his new recruits. He brings out the freshly brainwashed Cherie Esperanto, who to Eli's horror, is now a doctrinaire Tottalist who critiques him from a techno-feminist perspective. Prophecy is unable to respond. Davis laughs and orders him to be shown to the brainwashing chamber, where he will be cleansed of his antiquated ideas.

He is put in the chamber and is subjected to a powerful and psychedellically painful brainwash, but he sings a patriotic song and breaks the machine by forcing the Tottalists to turn it up to 11. Exhausted he is dragged from the machine. Davis declares that he is clearly not evolved enough to be washed fully clean and must therefore be subjected to natural selection, at the hands of Cherie. He then declares that he is leaving for the moonbase in preparation for the final act of his plan.

Prophecy is taken in a wheelchair to an execution cell. Alone with Cherie he tries to talk her round but with no success. He sings her a love song about everything he has learned from her about modern relationships and being true to your values and how he is a changed man. He breaks through her brainwashing just enough to

Mini Treatment for Eli V.S Prophecy FBI

Second Act Pg2

(Cont) deliver a nerve pinch to knock her unconscious. He picks the lock to the cell and knocks the guard out after a short struggle. He takes his uniform and puts Cherie in the wheelchair that he he was taken to the cell in. He pretends to be a security guard taking Cherie for interrogation for failing to kill the prisoner. Using the magnetic device, which flashes red under his skin with proximity, he finds and defuses the bomb.

Signalling for the FBI to make their assault, he fights numerous Totallists to escape but finds his way blocked by a tank. Finding his way to the basement level he discovers a series of speed boats in an underground river. Taking one of these he is chased by in another boat by Tottalists with a heavy machine gun. Dodging and weaving, he finds a harpoon gun and fires it one handed at the Tottalist fuel tank. He then fires a flare gun, and with a deadly one liner, blows the Tottalists up with their own fuel. He then escapes with Cherie to safety.