Feed the Cat

In case you haven't noticed, I am very much of the opinion that an awful lot of the confusion humanity finds itself in lies in a misunderstanding about its own nature. To my mind, a human operates on exactly the same laws as the rest of nature. Inversely it is sensible to say that nature operates according to the same laws as a human. Therefore to say that the Universe is a big human or that a human is a little universe is to me a sensible proposition. So when humans say 'Why does the Universe exist.' or 'What is the meaning of life.' and a Reductionist replies 'There is no meaning it is just the forces of Nature.' and a Theist replies 'God created the Universe out of Love and the purpose is to love God.' Then can there be no meeting of minds? Now I am not an orthodox Zennist or Taoist, but studying them has led me to the point where I am comfortable describing myself as a bag of shit, the Universe as a bag of shit, myself a miracle of Love and the Universe as a miracle of Love. To me all these four statements are the same. If one throws metaphysics out of the window then there is no difference between the Love of God and a bag of rice. Zen masters were much taken with referring to each other as an old bag of rice, as term of respect and affection. So when Reductionists talk about the 'How' and the Theists talk about the 'Why' they are talking about the same thing, but as with the Uncertainty Principle, the more perfectly they describe the one the less accurately they describe the other. Truth is, if you put a human in a box, they are both a Reductionist and a Theist until their cat opens the box and demands feeding.