Tick Tick Tick

Half time oranges

What rhymes with that?

Franglais monkeys

The mathematics of rap

It's all about keeping time

Being late to work is the only crime

The big hand on the clock

Is more menacing than a fully loaded Glock

A shrunken wallet

Is equal to a shriveled dick

The little hand goes tick tick tick

Do I win some games on time alone?


But not enough for it to be well known

When a big ship in a storm drops anchor

The one who screams with delight is the banker

Or at least when it arrives in port

Beside the other ships

Bringing with it sailors with lips

And Glocks with full clips

And cargo to make her rich

She took the risk to launch

So it's back to the raunch

This may all seem silly and risque

But tell that to the wives of men

Who drown in Bisque

I'm half out of time

The rest of its mine

Everyone in port

Will whisper that I'm a right sort

Povey 2017