



Still mental


Why do I lose female friends

Like its the latest trend

Is it because

I go round the bend

Perhaps it would be easier if I were gay

Or stuck to only one at a time

I should say

Jealousy seems to get in the way

That and I cant get Skeltonics to pay

What good is it to cry and lament

When all my money is spent

Sex for me is strange alchemy

Its not as simple as sodomy

I can travel faster than light

Under laboratory conditions

I talk no shite

Perhaps I am blinded by my philogyny

Place too much faith in female hegemony

Perhaps women are just as selfish as men

And want me to themselves

Their own toy

In their own playpen

Women don't like sharing their toys

And they sure don't like sharing their boys

Is it so wrong to want to talk and drink tea

With a person with different genitals than me

And keep the conversation

95% sex free

What does it mean

If I say Vaseline

If the strap on

Is worn by a Queen

Do I mean he or her

ill give you time to confer

Most form relationships for vanity

I am just seeking a little dignity

I want to do right by my friends

And family

I've got a few notches on my belt

A few backsides I have felt

But honestly

What does it mean


Just think about that

For a moment

Is it so wrong to seek atonement

Or any other 'spiritual' theme

Does that mean I play for the wrong team

Because I do not declare myself gay

And write what I want to say

About science and spiritualitay

Then people feel ok

To question to my face

Whether I might in fact

Be reactionaray

What would you say

If I said that today

I was going to stay home

And pray

Or chant

Or feel compassion for an ant

Or make myself pant

Putting my own hand in my own pant

Or read a little Kant

Or of my sanity take care

Or seek a peace that is rare

I don't want a free lunch

I just want to follow my hunch

That love is a simple energy

That true friends give

One and other

Simply and freely

Just because I lament

That sex often gets in the way

Doesn't make me bent

Doesn't make me gay

Doesn't make me reactionaray

Doesn't mean Im full of homophobic closet homosexualitay

I guess Im a bit pissed off today

I guess I feel life has dealt me a bum hand

Is all I have to say...

Povay 2013