The Hawk & The Hippo

There is a shared delusion

Of professors and priests

That the life of Man

Differs greatly from that of the beasts

The Ant may have the mind of a hive

Man's broader altruism

Is only another broader form of kin selection

He survives when all around him thrives

How different is one man from another

In our hive like collective unconcious

Barrak Obama is my brother

Im not 100% sure I know how to spell his name

But I have an interest in his well being

Just the same

What would you say if I put this in reverse

And said that an incredible theater

The Ant does rehearse

That the Germ has its science

And the Atom its domestic appliance

You may say I am a fantasist

I respond that you are an intellectual

And ontological narcisist

Love may not be all around

But that the Ant and the Atom are my brother

Is what I have found

My brothers can sometimes be a bit of a pain

But it doesnt stop me loving them all the same

I can be difficult

And yet they abide me

Much as the Hawk and the Hippo

Are pleased to let each other be free

Povey 2015