The Poem Wot I Wrote

Phillippa is a star

With her on your side

You can win any war


Like Venus

I think she's a genius


Like a muse

Just pray

She doesnt blow a fuse

She likes to be amused

She can do anything

When she's enthused

She can't be used

Those that used to mess

Lose'd her

That's their loss

I think she likes to floss

She da boss

She'll catch you when you fall

Like her name was Randy Moss

When the cost I count

Her friendship is worth any amount

Cos her love is priceless

And it comes for free

Cos the only payment she wants

Is liberty


That's all we really have

But for some of us

Thats all we really love

If they cramp her style

She gives them the shove

Does she come from above

Or the ground

What a friend I've found

Or from the earth

A day with her is like rebirth

I dont speak for mirth

Or to mock

I keep my words under lock and key

They're not for free

She has payed for them frequently

She might not donate much

To B.T.

But like the widows mite

Her contribution is mighty

Sometimes shes flighty

Sometimes fighty

But always in the righty

Faces her demons nightly

But often in the morning spritely

Doesnt hold her purse strings


I just cant stop

In a pantheon of stars

She is the top

But if I had to end

I would say

I pray

She will always be my friend.

Ewan Povey 02/05/09