Andy or Mandy

She granted me leave

To rest a while in her desert

There to unweave

A rotten contract

I signed with the devil

I showed her my infirm libido

And she did little tease

She carried away my shame with some ease

What she did with it then

In the privacy of her domain

Perhaps should cause me more unease

But in the desert one need not remain

And one need not dwell on yesterdays pain

He who yet lives

Must yet have a heart

She who takes also gives

But I have taken enough of her art

Time to move on

But it shall be remembered

That we won the battle we begun

Before we can toast each other

There will pass much time

But when we finally do it will be just fine

And dandy

We wont trouble over Andy or Mandy

Or other such dichotomy

Or whether she had a little or a lot o' me

Povey 2014