Three Course of Karma


Most families skip the starter.

Thats a sad fact of life

The main course is a given and we can do nothing to avoid it

Wether we eat our greens or not determines what our just deserts will be

Sticky toffee pudding

Or low fat youghurt

We will eat the cauliflower cheese or spam fritter

Wether we like it or not

But our parents cant make us eat our sprouts

That is our choice

A choice with consequences

Call it natural justice


Or cosmic totallitarianism

This is the truth of all our teatimes


If one declines the devilishly deliscious desert

And has a piece of fruit

And offers to do the dishes

Then one will always win when we all play at soldiers in the summer evening

If we take mercy on our defeated opponents

Then they will invite us to their birthday parties

Where we will eat jelly and ice cream

And we will make friends who will be our allies for life

This is the purpose of our playtimes

When we grow up

We will all die in the eternal war

And all that will be left will be our tales of bravery

And the consequences of our actions

But if we have been brave without being mercifull

Then the children of our opponents

Will sneak onto planes and drown our children in blood

This is the witness to all our warfare

We cannot skip desert forever

There is a tinned pear out there

With our name on it

But for heavens sake

Take the fruit salad

When its on the menu

E J Povey Jan 2010