

We give you £10.

You buy cheap meat.

Cook a roast every night.

I fear you might kill me.

I secretly want to die.

The washing up is killing me.

I come home late.

You go quietly berserk.

Michelle says it's like I'm your girlfriend.

You laugh when Michelle's brothers Doberman barks and scares me.

Then over tea alone together you are sweet enough.

The Salford streets are rough.

I'm dripping in Addidas, with a shaved head.

Wish I was dead.

Scared I might die.

My dear friend.

You are not the reason why.

I hired you as a barbarian king.

To drive out a much worse thing.

your rule was cruel.

But I'm no fool.

you had a tool.

You're the daddy now.

Being in scum is fun.

Your borstal set me free.

I hope this doesn't anger you.

This is a thank you.

Ewan Povey