
In truth

I resent the following


That your love

Makes me vulnerable

That your sex

Has such power over me

That you have

More money than me

Better mental health

A saner family

A basic trust in life

I resent

That I love you

More than I love myself

That you see right through

My display of strength

And see

My vulnerability

And sweetness

I resent

Being compared

To a teddy bear

Or a fucking Care Bear

Even though

Or perhaps especially

Cos I used to like that cartoon

When I was a kid.

Underneath all that resentment

Beats a heart of fire

Full of love

Have the patience

To watch the flames die down

Then perhaps

We can curl up by the fireside

Im like a wounded tyger

Burning bright

Ease my pain

And I might

Stay the night

Povey 2013