Anti Nietszche

Perhaps I am nothing but The Anti-Nietzsche

Sent to declare that God is neither born nor will die

Like the wind in the trees

He is The Universe's Collective Sigh

Is reality dead?

Well I sure hunger for bread

My hunger sure seems real

Also, that there is a God, it sometimes feels

Is one hunger any less real than the other

Even if to church I don't bother

Heartless? Is that what the world truly is?

Perhaps it just relentlessly takes care of biz.

It gives birth to itself

And drowns itself in a sack

From Time

To Time

The arrow flies out to The Great Ocean

'Bullseye' says the master

How can we miss

I will miss you when you are gone

But is there truly any such thing as abscence

Nature abhors a vacuum

Oh fuck it

Lets strike up a tune



I'm Up All Eternity to Get Lucky

Like the Legend of the Phoenix

All ends with beginnings

I guess I'll begin by ending.

To All, love I am sending

E J Povey 2013