The Cossack Winks

The bodies of

The Children Of The Revolution

Are not as strong

As the will that flows through

Their body politic

Their limbs are frail

In their arms

The have no gun nor nail

They have no nukes

They say things like 'put up yer dooks'

They have incredible courage

But fret about milk in their porridge

Inna final analysis

They would surely lose a civil war

But the strength of change

Has many ways

And much more

When the Cossack looks down and winks

It because he thinks

The aristocracy are in the drink

And about to sink

Its because he thinks the cockney bird

Is representative of a change in the herd

He thinks the new is on its way

And that he would be a fool

To stand in its way

That the old rule

Will surely be swept away

By the herds simple deafness

To things the old order have to say

For in truth when the mass

Has truly made up its mind

It is impossible to press rewind

Beware though

That the Cossack and the Secret Police

Will not dissapear

Their tyranny will just become another kind

I fear

Povey 2015