

Are holdin out for a hero

And I been that guy


Maybe twice

Mandy prophecised

That Id show them how it was done

In a Bloomsbury hotel

And false modesty aside

It came to pass

She was on acid

And also predicted I would teach

At the School

Of Oriental and African Studies

A prediction that is yet to be

Truth be told

She used to spend a lot of time

Getting pissed

And calling me a homophobe

Because I didnt want to wear eyeliner

Truth be told I was pretty shit

In a lot of ways

But I've always been on good terms with gays

But I don't like being told

How to dress

Little did she know that I had happily

Worn a dress on stage

And been to Vague

I kissed a girl and I liked it

Fuck only knows what you call my opposite

No woman would choose

To swap roles with me

Im not an it she or he

Povey 2013