The Way I Sell You A Book

You don't love me

You love Communism

And Buddhism

But you don't love me

You love Daoism

And Christianity

You love The Prophet

And you love Eugene Debbs

But you don't love me

You love Tantra

And Contempory Dance

Coffee and Cake

Green Tea and silence

But you don't love me

You love second hand Aikido

And The Life Giving Sword

The Book of Five Rings

And many curious, recondite things

You love searching for the hidden Me

You love all these things that I carry

In my half broken carriage

That I give so freely

To those I love

Asking so little in return

But these things are free to all

If you only look

You don't love me

You just love the way I sell you a book

Povey 2016