Eli V S Prophecy FBI (Unfinished Draft)


Eli V.S Prophecy F.B.I

Ewan Povey

Scene 1 INT Mansion EVE

Eli V.S Prophecy is sat watching T.V. He is wearing trunks, a black shirt and sunglasses. He is rather overweight and breathes a little heavy. On the wall there are photos of happier, healthier days. Gold disks, movie stills, pictures from karate competitions. On the ground there is a tiger skin rug complete with head. The phone, which is shaped like a lobster, rings.

Eli V.S

Uh hu?


Eli V.S?

Eli V.S sits in silence


Mr Prophecy?

Eli V.S



Err Mr Prophecy, I was just wondering whether everything was set for next week? Did you get the publicity material we sent you?

Eli lazily picks up a movie poster for 'Karate Kapers,'laying on the couch next to him and peers over his sunglasses.

Eli V.S

Uh hu.


Excellent sir. Um... If you dont mind me asking? Ah, how's the diet going?

Eli V.S looks over at a half eaten sandwich and can of soda

Eli V.S

It's going.


Excellent... and your sleep pattern? We are going to have a hectic schedule

Eli V.S changes the channel with the remote



Can I just say how excited we are,Mr Prophecy, to have you on board for this production.

Eli V.S

Is that right.


Do you doubt it sir?

Eli V.S

Even though Im fat, old and the last ten movies I made stank?


The public love you Mr Prophecy.

Eli V.S

Even though Im fat, old and my last ten movies stank.


Thats not what I said sir

Eli V.S

No but its what you thought.


No not at all Mr Prophecy sir!

Eli V.S

Uh hu.


Er ok Mr Prophecy... I'll let you get back to your evening.

Eli V.S

Uh hu.

Eli hangs up

The television is showing a news reel about world politics. Eli V.S watches over his shades while the images reflect in the lenses.

News Reel V.O.

The march of T.O.T.T.A.L.I.S.M. “Total. Order. Total. Terror. Absolute. Law. Intelligent. Social. Mechanics”! And their leader Derrick Davis. They use all power at their disposal to spread their hateful creed. Devoid of any love for God and hostile to personal freedom, this


News Reel V.O. (Cont)

band of fanatics are bent on world domination. Is there a

Tottalist living near you? There is Tottalist influence in trade unions politics and the media.

Derrick Davis is shown in front of the Houses of Parliament wielding an AK47, then wearing a business suit. Eli V.S turns over the channel to a show set on a farm. He hears Cherie Esperanto singing beautifully from the shower in the en suite bathroom. Cherie is a cute blond at the start of her career. She enters the room wrapped in a towel.


Who was that on the phone..?

Eli V.S.

The President.


Sure it was. One of your girlfriends no doubt.

Eli V.S.

Do you think I should wear a white jump suit or the leathers tonight?


You're dressing up that much?

Eli V.S

Uh hu.


You arranged this whole press night as a cover for scouting girls!

Eli V.S.



You heard me.

Eli V.S.

C'mon baby. Cant you see I gotta do this for the fans.



Music strikes up and Eli V.S gets down on one knee and expresses his feelings with a cheeky little smile. The music is a perky rock n roll number, with a staccato rhythm guitar.


Eli V.S (Sings)

Come on baby

Dont be proud

Cmon say it

Straight out loud

You love me

Its plain to see

Love really is

Our destiny

Dont be paranoid baby

Dont be paranoid.

I wont be sneakin

Round your back

Dont be peerin

Through a crack

I love you it is

Plain to see

Its just love

You and me

Dont be paranoid baby

Dont be paranoid

I wont be tappin your phone

Dont leave me alone

C'mon baby

Dont be crazy

Big brothers

Gonna love ya

Eli V.S (Sings)

Till you dont know what to do

Please baby dont say we are through.

Dont be paranoid baby

Dont be paranoid


Uh hu?

He takes her in a tender embrace

Eli V.S

Cmon baby you know I love you.


Do I?

Eli V.S

Sure you do.



Uh hu.

Eli V.S

Dont I show it.


Sure you show you like certain things about me.

Eli V.S

Uh hu.



She gently breaks the embrace and goes to sit at the dressing table.

Eli V.S

Lets not go. Lets stay in together.


You stay in if you like. Im not going to disappoint the fans.

Eli V.S

Screw the fans... I love you...


Sure you do baby. Im going to my room to get dressed.

Eli picks up the intercom

Eli V.S

Joe get up here and cut my hair. I'm a bit blue.


Scene 2 INT Moonbase DAY

Derrick Davis is getting a haircut. He is a wiry man in his early 40s with black hair and a side parting. He is English with a London accent. He is wearing a white shirt, a leather jacket and blue jeans. He holds a red beret tightly in his hands. There is a towel over his shoulders. All around the moonbase minions in silver boiler suits busy themselves. The minion in silver who is cutting his hair makes a mistake.

Derrick Davis

Bloody hell 1127!



Sorry Mr Davis!

Derrick Davis

Security. Take 1127 away for interrogation. Find out who paid him to kill me.

1127 is led meekly away. Davis stands up, throws the towel off his shoulders and fixes the beret on his head.

Derrick Davis

Minions! We must be forever vigilant! Threats from the forces of the past are everywhere! If we are to lead humanity into the future we must crush those who defend antiquity. Crush them...

A heroic revolutionary piece of musical theatre commences.

Derrick Davis (sings)

Crush them.

Crush them.

Minions (chant)

Crush them!

Crush them!

Derrick Davis (sings)

Must crush the forces of the past.

If our movement is to last.

Arise and crush.

Do it in a rush.

We must.

We must.

Minions (chant)



Derrick Davis (sings)

Smash we must.

Then replace with Technocracy.

Enough of their Theology.

We have the technology.

We can.

We can.

Minions (chant)




Derrick Davis (sings)

The future we must plan.

We will fight to the last man.

The past we will ban.

That is our plan.



Minions (chant)



Derrick Davis (speaks)

Back to work!


Scene 3 INT Bathroom EVE

Joe Two Trees is trimming Eli V.S's hair in silence.

Joe Two Trees

You've got a couple of split ends there.

Eli V.S.

Do you get women Joe?

Joe Two Trees

Women today have a free spirit, Mr Prophecy. Its not like it used to be.

Eli V.S

No it sure aint...What was it Jesus said? She that is without sin may cast the first dinner plate?

They laugh.

Joe Two Trees

The Lord had a way with words all right. You got that right Mr Prophecy.

They laugh some more then sigh and return to silence.

Scene 4 INT Bathroom EVE

Eli V.S takes a diamond studded toothbrush and brushes his teeth while a gospel record plays on the record deck by the toilet. Fat Leroy, who is extremely obese, knocks on the door and calls through.


Fat Leroy

Mr Prophecy? Eli? Aunt Sarah is askin if you want somethin fixin to eat before bed?

Prophecy gargles with mouthwash.

Fat Leroy

Also, just so you know, we booked that amusement park tomorrow night. The whole place to ourselves like you asked.

Prophecy takes out a nail brush and scrubs his nails.

Fat Leroy

So how about that sandwich boss?

Eli V.S

I wanna a diamond ring.

Fat Leroy

I'll open the safe and get one out.

Eli V.S

Not for me. For Cherie. Get the jewellery store open for me.

Prophecy trims his nails.

Fat Leroy

Oh...Er...Sure thing Mr Prophecy. I'll call the manager.

He turns to leave.

Eli V.S


Fat Leroy


Eli V.S

You forgot somethin?

Fat Leroy

Um...The sandwich?

Eli V.S

Uh hu. Tinned ham and peanut butter.

Fat Leroy

(Turns to leave) Yessir.


Eli V.S


Fat Leroy


Eli V.S

Put grape jelly on that.

Fat Leroy

Yes boss.


Scene 5 EXT Highway EVE

Eli V.S, Fat Leroy and the entourage drive in convoy of convertibles with the tops down. The radio blares out rock n roll.

Fat Leroy

C'mon jerkoffs! Take the left turn! The boss wants to go to the jewelers!

Entourage #1

Hey! Who you callin jerkoff, fatboy?

The entourage laugh.

Fat Leroy

Watch you don't get a smack in the chops.

Eli V.S

Come on fellas. Don't be so mean to Leroy. Ain't his fault he fat. He got glandular problems.

The D.J speaks over the tune.

Howlin Jackson

Ooooweeee! That's some real rock n roll. This is Howlin Jackson. Ya'll know who I am. I just like sayin my name. Now here's the latest by Mr Eli V.S. Prophecy. A personal friend of mine.

The song plays while the fellas goof around in their open tops in the warm summer evening. They take turns at lip syncing the lyrics, while Eli sits serenely.


Eli V.S (on the radio)

Oh baby

How I love you

I could never

Never leave you

You are

My one true

My one true

And only one you.

I would die

If you ever left me

It would

Forever bereft me

Baby I will love you

Forever with you

Will you marry me

Will you marry me

Will you marry me...


Scene 6 INT Jewellery Store EVE


This I think is what you want Mr Prophecy. A pink diamond on a platinum ring. It's Miss Esperanto's size. The ring I mean. It's for you to say if the rock is big enough of course.

Eli V.S.

Uh hu. I'll take it.


Scott, would you wrap this up for Mr Prophecy.

Eli V.S.

No need. Just give me the box. Leroy. Give Mr Fry the cash and the pearl handled revolver he admired.


I couldn't Mr Prophecy.

Eli V.S

I insist.


Very generous sir. Scott would you write Mr Prophecy a receipt.


The reflection of a masked man appears in a mirror.


There you are sir

As he gives him the box containing the ring, a shotgun blast shatters the glass in the door. Two masked gunmen run in. They have English accents

Gunman #1

Freeze or die! Get down on the ground! We are liberating this store in the name of the Tottalist movement!

Everyone gets down. Eli V.S kneels and puts his hands behind his head. Gunman #1 stomps over to him.

Gunman #1

I said get down!

He goes to hit V.S on the head with the butt of his gun. Eli grabs the shotgun and strikes him in the throat as he pulls him down. He falls on his back and shoots the other gunmen. Prophecy's entourage jump to their feet and start kicking Gunman #1.


Whoa fellas! Hold him still!

He pulls the mask back.

Eli V.S.

Derrik Davis?

Gunman #1

No you stupid bastard. Im his brother! Derrik will get you for this!

Scene 7 INT Bathroom EVE

Eli washes the sweat from his face while Joe Two Trees brings him a pain killer and a glass of water.

Eli V.S

Whats it all about Joe?


What do you mean V.S.


Eli V.S

I mean would God let men like that walk the earth. Men who hate him, hate the family, hate successful people.


I think its time we did your roots.

Scene 8 INT Bedroom EVE

Eli V.S and Cherie lie like spoons on the bed. Cherie is half asleep in bed.


(Muffled) Where you been..?

Eli V.S

Out street fightin.


Shut up... Where you really been...

Eli V.S

Out chasin girls.


I knew it... What you thinkin bout?

Eli V.S

Im thinkin bout how I love you so much...So much ma heart could burst. How I cant live without you... How I have never loved anyone as much as you...


Awhh. You say that to all the girls honey...

Eli V.S

No that aint true... I aint got no eyes. Youre the only one for me...


Uh hu?

Eli V.S

So I was kinda wonderin...

He takes out the ring, behind her back.


Im tired tonight V.S. How about we just lie like this and try to sleep.

Eli V.S

No you don't understand...



Whats to understand V.S. Lets just sleep...

He puts the ring back in his pocket.

Eli V.S.

Sure lets talk tomorrow...



She dozes off.


Scene 9 EXT Badminton court DAY

Eli V.S plays a leisurely game of badminton with Joe Two Trees, his Native American hairstylist.

Eli V.S

Damn Joe...This hair dye is making me sweat


Sorry Mr Prophecy. I'll use a different brand.

Eli V.S

Uh hu

He serves the shuttlecock languidly.


Scene 10 INT Kitchen DAY

Aunt Sarah is in the kitchen doing chores. Eli V.S walks in. She doesn't look up from her work


Sandwich V.S?

Eli V.S

Uh hu.


What you want in it?

Eli V.S

You got any'a that tinned pork?


Sure do V.S. You wanna milkshake with that honey?


Eli V.S

Uh hu.

Aunt Sarah prepares the sandwich and milkshake

Eli V.S

Aunt Sarah?


Uh hu?

Eli V.S

Do you think there's more'n this?


I could fix you some eggs as well?

Eli V.S

No, I mean than THIS.

He gestures round the room. Aunt Sarah looks at him over her glasses.

Aunt Sarah

You ok honey?

Eli V.S.

I guess.

Aunt Sarah

The world aint so easy is it?

Eli V.S

No it aint...

Aunt Sarah

What you gonna do about?

Eli V.S.

Yeah I guess that's the way it is...

Aunt Sarah

It wasn't a rhetorical question V.S. I mean you got a lot of power as a famous person. What you gonna do to make your momma proud?

Eli V.S.


Aunt Sarah

Sure. She raised you with values. But you don't seem to be helpin.


Eli V.S.

(Sighs) No. Guess I aint. Fix me those eggs and I'll think it over.

Aunt Sarah extinguishes her cigarette and takes out the frying pan.


Scene 11 INT Bedroom DAY

Cherie is reading a book, sat at her dressing table.

Eli V.S.

What ya readin?


Some romance.

Eli V.S

What you bother with that junk for? You should be reading some scripture, or meditating.


Some of us carry our faith inside V.S. We dont go making a song and dance about and then go around chasin girls.

Eli V.S.

What you talkin about?


You heard me.

She goes back to reading her book. Eli gets down on one knee and takes the ring from his pocket.

Eli V.S



Oh ma God...

Suddenly a tall bust red head bursts into the room followed by Fat Leroy carrying her luggage.


Oh ma God! Eli V.S Prophecy! Get up off the ground and give me a kiss honey!

Eli is a little dumbstruck and stays on one knee.


Eli V.S



No. The Queen of England. What's the matter you big goof? Been so long since we sat in a jacuzzi together you don't

recognise me with my clothes on?


Are you going to introduce me Eli?

Eli V.S

Cherie...This is Leonora...She...Leonora this is Cherie. Cherie is my...


Oh my God! She's your fiance!


No. No Im not.

Eli V.S

I was just...


Thats amazing! You're getting married. Can I be bridesmaid?! I know I just met you honey but me and Eli are really, really close.

Cherie gets up and runs out crying.


She's emotional, huh?


Scene 12 EXT Driveway DAY

Cherie is walking to her car followed by Fat Leroy carrying her bags. Eli is pleading with her but she maintains a thunderous silence.

Eli V.S

C'mon honey... She's an old friend... She's got a brassy sense of humour but shes classier than she sounds...Her brother played pro football so she just jokes like a guy... Cherie please!

Cherie drives away.



Scene 13 INT Movie Room EVE

Eli watches old home movie footage of himself and Cherie h having fun around the pool. He is slumped in his chair. Fat Leroy pushes his head in the door.

Fat Leroy

Mr Prophecy?

Eli V.S


Fat Leroy

There's some people here to see you...

Eli V.S

Tell em to come back later.

Fat Leroy

Mr Prophecy. They're from...the F...B...I.

Eli V.S

Show em in then I guess...

Two F.B.I agents in suits and shades are ushered in. One of them speaks.

Agent Meclenburg

Mr Prophecy. Pleased to meet you. My name's Agent Meclenburg. If I'm curt its because time is a factor. First let me thank you for capturing the brother of Derrick Davis. We have had him under intterogation for some hours now. Secondly a warning. The Tottalists will be out to harm you now. Lastly a proposal. We would like you to work for the F.B.I in bringing down the Tottalists.

Eli V.S

Listen fellas. Im kinda blue right now...

Agent Meclenburg

Your domestic situation. Yes we are aware of it. Think of your country Mr Prophecy. Think of liberty.

Eli V.S

Why me?

Agent Meclenburg

Mr Prophecy, you are an 8th Dan blackbelt in karate, skilled with fire arms, you can ride horses, drive fast, you know a lot about medicine,


Agent Meclenburg (Cont)

and more importantly you understand the mind of a rebel.

Eli V.S

Fellas, Im flattered but Im just a singer with a broken heart.

Agent Meclenburg

Very well Mr Prophecy. Here's my card. Call me if you change your mind.


Scene 14 INT Bathroom DAY

Joe is washing Eli's hair.

Joe Two Trees

Maybe you need to show her whos boss, Boss.

Eli V.S

I could never be angry with her Joe.

Joe dries Eli's hair.

Joe Two Trees

No I mean a big heroic gesture. Show her that you are the man.

Eli V.S

Maybe your right Joe...Maybe your right...


Scene 15 INT Movie Set DAY

The final musical number 'Kan I karate' is about to be filmed.


(To assistant) Maybe if he'd lost some weight it might even been a smash. HA! (To the cast) Ok, ok, ok this is the final number ladies and gentlemen. So far we are

under budget so can we please get it right first time.

We do the number, karate chicks do acrobatics and then the stuntman has a sword fight with Mr Prophecy and we all go home OK? ACTION!


Eli V.S (Sings)

Well they say karate kame from the east

But I couldnt care in the least

At karate I am best

We're takin karate way out west

The karate girls do a fast draw and shoot.

Eli V.S (Sings)

Im dodging bullets here and there

Im fighting bad guys without a care

Eli V.S (Sings)

Kan I karate?

Yes I Kan!

Kan I karate?

Karate Chicks (Sings)

Yes you Kan!

Eli V.S (Sings)

Im fightin bad guys near an far

You couldn't kill me with a car.

My master told me just be cool.

Keepin Kalm is the golden rule

Kan I karate?

Yes I Kan!

Kan I karate?

Karate Chicks (Sings)

Yes you kan!

Eli V.S (Sings)

Im a hip samurai

Wont see me cry

Livin legend

I never die

Bring me a karate chop

From the shop

My karate will never stop

Kan I Karate?

Yes I Kan!

Kan I karate?

Karate Chicks (Sings)

Yes You Kan!

A stuntman with a sword appears.


Eli V.S

Look here buddy you cant go slinging that sword round here. Theres a new sheriff in town.

Eli draws a sword from a stone and he and the stunt man begin to sword fight while musicians play congas. However it soon becomes apparent the the stuntman is actually trying to kill him. The Karate chicks scream and run away. Eli V.S is out of shape, up against a trained martial artist and has to fight for his life. His entourage step in while V.S pants out of breath behind a piece of set. He looks at his sword by the feet of the assassin but shrinks back in fear and exhaustion. The martial artist methodically kills all of Eli's entourage except Fat Leroy who is elsewhere. Finally the assassin looks over and grins maliciously at V.S and approaches with his sword. Suddenly he is shot by a studio security guard. There is silence for a moment. V.S stands and gingerly approaches the dying man.


Curse you in the name of the Tottalist Party of the United States of America... Mr Davis's brother will be released or you will all die...


Scene 16 Dressing Room DAY

Eli dabs iodine into his wounds. Cherie bursts into the room and throws her arms around him.


Oh honey, you were so brave. I came as soon as I heard.

Eli V.S

What in Sam Hill is going on! The whole world is going to hell. A mans not even safe in Hollywood any more!


Oh baby...

Eli V.S.

Somebody's gotta make a stand...


But not you baby. You could get hurt. That man nearly...

Eli V.S.

But if all Americans stand back this is what happens...



Eli V.S.

I hear ya baby I dont wanna get hurt. Maybe I should hole up in a log cabin with you.

He nuzzles her ear and kisses her.


Oh honey...

Fat Leroy bursts in frantic.

Fat Leroy

Mr Prophecy? You ok? I just got from the hotel!


Have'nt you heard! Eli nearly died!

Eli V.S.

Now don't exaggerate baby.


Sure you did!The studio guy told me you got attacked by a stunt man and you were too out of shape and he nearly killed you but by luck you got out of it! No more karate kapers for you mister! Im putting my foot down! You're gonna get your act together. You should be a senator, or president. That's how to change things. You've got so much love to share with the world through your music. You just need to rediscover your passion!

Eli V.S.

You dont tell me what to do!


Just watch me!

Eli V.S

Leroy. There's a dark cloud over America tonight. I think its time we all served our country. Im through with being a star. I wanna join the F.B.I and fight Tottalism. I'll understand, but if you're not willing to lay your life down for your country you should leave now.

Fat Leroy

I won't lay my life down for the Union Flag but in the name of General Lee I will lay down my life for you V.S.

A big brass section strikes up.


Eli V.S (Sings)

Can you hear

From over there

There is a land

Where folks do care

A prophecy

Handed down

From man to man

From child to child

Of unity

Of brotherhood

Between the North and South

If I could

For America to be free

Will take both you and me

Walkin hand in hand

Please tell me you understand

Why cant my brothers

Live together

With hearts light as feather

With the light in their eyes

Please lord

Give me strength

To match up

To this test

Of my destiny

My prophecy


Uh hu?

They both stare at her.


Im going to get coffee while you two cool off.


Scene 17 EXT Corridor DAY

Cherie walks round the corner and is grabbed from behind and a gloved hand covers her mouth and she is dragged away struggling.



Scene 18 INT Dressing Room DAY

Eli is surrounded by three chorus girls who are oooing and ahhing at his tale of bravery.

Eli V.S

And then the dumb old security guard had to spoil all the fun by shootin the guy.

Chorus Girl#1

You're so brave V.S.

Eli V.S

Oh its nothin honey when your an 8th Dan Black belt in karate. Hey where's Cherie with that coffee...Em... Listen girls you better clear off. I call you later.

Chorus Girl#2

Ok V.S.

They giggle and leave.

Eli looks out the window and sees Cherie being dragged across the parking lot.

Eli V.S


He bursts out of the room. Goes running down the two flights of stairs into the parking lot. He runs out of breath before he can make the car and he falls to his knees as it drives away with Cherie. Cherie Shouts out of the window but Eli is too out of breath to shout back.



Eli V.S. (gasping)

Cherie... I'm...Comin for ya...Honey...

Eli fumbles in his coat and takes out Agent Meclenburgs card.


Scene 19 INT Phone Booth DAY

Eli V.S

Agent Meclenburg..? That's right... It's Cherie. They taken her!


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Scene 20 EXT Front of Movie Lot DAY

A car with blacked out windows screeches to a halt in front of Prophecy. He gets in.


Scene 21 INT FBI Car DAY

Agent Meclenburg is not wearing his shades. The car drives at breakneck speed round the streets of Hollywood.

Agent Meclenberg

Alright then Mr Prophecy. Do you take the Tottalist threat seriously now?

Eli V.S

I'm willing to do whatever is necessary to defeat these sons'a'bitches.

Agent Meclenburg

Even though it means risking your life and all your wealth and fame? Even though you may be captured and tortured?

Eli V.S

Without hesitation sir. Nobody messes with ma family and gets away with it.

Agent Meclenburg

Very well, first of all we are going to have to get you in shape. You're a fighting man Prophecy but you've let yourself go.

Eli V.S

There's not time for that!

Agent Meclenburg

This isn't Hollywood Prophecy. We can't just cut to the chase and be mission ready. You've got to put in the work. We need a full six week training exercise.


Scene 21 FBI Training Camp DAY

Prophecy walks out of the training camp in lean shape wearing a grey track suit and sneakers.


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Scene 22 FBI Briefing Room DAY

Agent Meclenburg is showing slides of leading Totallists.

Agent Meclenburg

Every one of these men and women devoted to the destruction of all we hold dear. Each one fanatical in their beliefs. It's hard to see how any of them could be made to reveal their organisations secrets...However there could be a weak point in their armour... This is Julius Brown of the Young Lions Party, a black nationalist group that is in the Tottalist orbit but is somewhat separate from them. They mainly concern themselves with cases of so called police harassment but they do some operations with Derrick Davis's people as well. If we can work our way into their circle then maybe, just maybe we can turn them.

Eli V.S

Are you suggestin I pretend to be be black? Cos I don't think thats gonna fly...

Agent Meclenburg

Don't be ludicrous Prophecy. You pose as a well meaning

fellow traveler. Someone with a grudge against the system

and work your way in that way.

Eli V.S

Uh hu. Yeah I could do that.


Scene 23 EXT Street in Watts EVE

Prophecy, dressed down in jeans. Leather trench coat and

woolen hat, wanders up and down the street begging for change. He witnesses police harrasing young black men. He steps in.

Eli V.S

Hey now officer. Leave these boys alone.

Police Officer

Get away from me hobo, or you'll get a taste of this!

Prophecy hobbles off down the street. He finds himself out

side Young Lions HQ. He goes in.


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Scene 24 INT Young Lions HQ EVE

A run down ex cinema, the HQ has posters of leader Julius

Brown everywhere. A young black man sits behind a desk.

Young Lion Secretary

Can, I, help you..?

Eli V.S

I'm here to help!

Young Lion Secretary

You've come to the wrong place.

Eli V.S

Don't jive me man! I seen what the pigs are doin round


Young Lion Secretary

Believe me. I am not trying to 'jive you'. We neither

want nor need your help.

Eli V.S

Cmon man! I got back from Nam, this country don't want or

need me. I gotta find someplace I can call home. I need

somethin to work for!

Young Lion Secretary

As I said, you've come to the wrong place. Now are you

gonna leave or do I need to get some of the brothers

from out the back?

Eli V.S

No, no I'm leavin brother...

Young Lion Secretary

Thank you.


Scene 25 INT Bar EVE

Prophecy sits with a pen and a note pad trying to figure out

his next move. He has notes all over the page with a sketch of

the block on it. In frustration he crumples it up and throws

it away. In walks the Young Lion Secretary. He doesn't notice

Prophecy and takes his seat with a young white man.They exchange envelopes, make some small talk that Prophecy can't hear over the music, then then the secretary leaves. Prophecy waits then follows the young man, probably a Tottalist Agent,out the bar.


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Scene 26 EXT Street EVE

Prophecy follows the agent through the streets of Watts. Dodging and weaving as he goes. The agent arrives at shop selling Tarot cards and other paraphernalia. Looking up at the windows of the shop, Prophecy sees the silhouette of a man handing cash to a woman and then undoing his tie and taking his hat off. He goes into the shop. There is a middle aged woman behind the counter.

Magic Woman

Can I help you honey.

Eli V.S

I was just looking for someone. Thought maybe he came in here.

Magic Woman

Uh hu?

Eli V.S

Guess he aint here. Dunno, maybe you can look in your ball and tell me where he went?

Magic Woman

Let me look at your palm... I see you going upstairs...

I see you giving one of my girls ten dollars... They will tell you more...

Eli V.S

Thank you mama.

Magic Woman

Thats ok honey.

Eli goes through the door behind the counter.


Scene 27 INT Brothel EVE

Prophecy walks up the stairs in a red lit haze. At the top a girls hand comes out of a doorway and pulls him in.

Tarot Girl

Ten dollars.

Eli V.S

I paid at the door.

Tarot Girl

Ten dollars, Mr.

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Eli V.S

Hmp! There you go.

She gets a pack of cards from a shelf, lights some incense and whirls around the room in a semi trance. She sits in front of prophecy and starts to deal three cards. She turns them over one by one.

Tarot Girl

The first card...Your past...I think recent past...The Falling Tower... Your life has been thrown into confusion...The second card... Your immediate present... Right now...The lovers...

Eli V.S

Uh hu.

Tarot Girl

The third card... Your immediate future...

She turns over the card, Death, with a skeletal reaper on it.

Eli V.S


Suddenly a garrotte appears around Eli's neck and he is being throttled by the Totallist Agent. Prophecy struggles with him and does a Judo throw taking the agent off his feet. As they recover their feet the agent grabs a knife from a shelf. They circle the room till the agent lunges. Prophecy side steps, and karate chops him in the throat. The agent collapses on his knife.

Eli V.S

Speak damn you, speak!

The agent however is dead. Prophecy quickly searches his jacket and finds a Tottalist ID card. He takes it and flees.


Scene 28 INT Young Lions HQ EVE

Young Lion Secretary

Look, 'brother', I already told you once...

Eli V.S

That was a security check. You passed.

He flashes the ID card.

Pg 29

Young Lion Secretary

I see...

Eli V.S

I need to talk to Julius Brown

Young Lion Secretary

Uh hu. Well I'll see what he has to say about that. Wait here a minute.

Prophecy waits for what seems to be a very long minute as the clock ticks on the wall. The Secretary returns.

Young Lion Secretary

Follow me.


Scene 29 INT Young Lion Main Hall EVE

The former movie hall with its vaulted roof, is full with up to one hundred Young Lions training in black karate outfits. The Secretary leads him through the crowd.

Julius Brown

This him?

Young Lion Secretary

Yes brother leader.

Julius Brown

Leave us... So how can I help you?

Eli V.S

Im here to check security...

Julius Brown

Is that so. We run our own security, you run yours you know that.

Eli V.S

Sure I do, but it don't hurt to make sure.

Julius Brown

Make sure of what?! That the black people are keeping their end of the bargain? That we are 'capable' of running our own affairs? You know I'm getting pretty sick of the eurocentric obsessions of you Totallists.

Eli V.S

Cmon now...

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Julius Brown

In fact lets run some security right now. Someone get me the file on known threats.

He is handed a paper file.

Julius Brown

Lets see... Oh my oh my! Mr Eli V.S. Prophecy! Known enemy of the people! Brothers! We have a star with us this evening!

The Young Lions stop training and gather round in a massive circle.

Eli V.S

Now cmon fellas...

Julius Brown

The FBI have sent their top agent into the Lions Den!

What do you have to say for yourself Mr Prophecy? The tape is running...

Eli V.S

Ok look now... I came here to convince you that you shouldn't be working with the Tottalists, that you should be doing your own thing, sticking up for your own rights.

Julius Brown

Is that right. And you're gonna help us with that are you?

Eli V.S

Yeah... I seen what you guys have to go through here in the uh...ghetto...

Julius Brown

Brothers! We have a champion! Another white man has appeared to save us!.. Well I tell you what, Mr Prophecy.

Lets put your ideas to the test. I challenge you to a street polemic.

The Young Lions chant a rhythm and beat chests in time. Prophecy and Brown spar verbally in rhyme.

Julius Brown

So you say what?

I live in Watts

An I aint got a lot

Let me tell you brother

We aint got the same mother

Yo people aint even bother

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Julius Brown

Genocide is on the cards

It aint that hard

Truth this aint a shard

From slavery and servitude

You sold a people and stole a land

You put chains on our hands

Why should I trust your system

Yo ethics you pissed em

Yo leaders can't truss em

Eli V.S

Sure we made mistakes

Time to put on the brakes

On the system that takes

But what Im sayin is this

We got freedom that would be missed

Goodbye to democracy would be kissed

We voted for the president

Cos we resident

Democracy has a precedent

We cant have too much control

We cant swallow the economy whole

Julius Brown

Well allow me to retort

This was what you been taught

Democracy is a sham

Ya'll high like Pan Am

When the majority is white

Where is my bite

Of apple pie

Oh my oh my

The cat aint got the cream

Know what I mean

Eli V.S

Sure perfect it aint

But at least it aint paint

There aint a white wash

Just a police cosh

Pg 32

Eli V.S

You know what I mean...er

Julius Brown

Looks like you ran outa polemic Mr Prophecy. Lets put it to the brothers. Brothers! Who votes we follow our saviour to the promised land?


Julius Brown

Who votes we tear him limb from limb and throw him to the dogs?

A roar of approval

Julius Brown

That, is democratic centralism at work 'brother'

Suddenly a rocket shell bursts in through a window and explodes killing many and injuring the rest. Eli crawls through the smoke to Brown.

Julius Brown

Damn eurocentrics...Don't truss us to do a simple job... Here prophecy, take this... Do your worst...

He hands him a microfilm. Prophecy lurches to his feet and flees.


Scene 30 EXT Street EVE

Prophecy runs raggedly through the streets, chased by tottlist

agents. He runs and runs through the streets onto the freeway he runs dodging traffic to the end of his endurance. Finally he manages to get in a police car.

Eli V.S

Prophecy! FBI. Take me to Agent Meclenburg!


Scene 31 INT FBI Briefing Room DAY

Agent Meclenburg

Very well. The microfilm you obtained tells us the following.Its not good news. They have been brainwashing large numbers of key individuals. Their plan is to put in place a shadow government, kill the real leaders of America then declare a permanent martial law.

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Eli V.S

I dont dare ask. Does this mean maybe they have brainwashed Cherie

Agent Meclenburg

Well they've found you too hard to kill, they have maybe decided to break your heart, so yes it is possible. Sorry...

He shows a slide of a map of an armed compound.

Agent Meclenburg

This is the compound where we believe she may be kept, however we cannot make a direct assualt as it seems it is booby trapped with an atomic device.

Eli V.S

What if I surrender myself?

Agent Meclenburg


Eli V.S

I serious. I surrender myself, escape, defuse the bomb then send a signal for you to attack.

Agent Meclenburg

I can't sanction a suicide attack. Not even for America.

Eli V.S

I'm not doing this for America. I'm doing it for love.

Meclenburg thinks for a moment.

Agent Meclenburg

OK Prophecy. There's no stopping a man whos in love. Lets try it. It might just be our only chance...


Scene 32 INT Surgical Theater DAY

Prophecy undergoes surgery to fit a number of devices under his skin: a lock pick, a tiny magnetic device to disable the bomb and a tiny radio transmitter.


Scene 33 EXT Industrial Dairy DAY

Prophecy knocks on the window of the security guard.

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Take me to Derrick Davis!


Scene 34 INT Compound DAY

Prophecy is led into the main chamber wearing a siver jump suit.

Derrick Davis

Has he been searched?


Yes Mr Davis.

Derrick Davis

So! The great Eli V.S Prophecy! Rock and roller, movie star FBI agent, devout Christian hypocrite. Where is your

God now? Taking a vacation while I get on with the real work no doubt.

Eli V.S

Where's Cherie.

Derrick Davis

Ahh ma Cherie. How lovely that girl is. First of all tell me what is it we are all missing by not following your creed of God, family and country? What have we all to lose by embracing the future.

Eli V.S

Well Mr Davis, I guess things have got to change, they always do I guess, but sometimes you gotta hold on to some continuity in that. What is it they say in France? Plus ca change, plus ce la meme chose. The king is dead long live the king. Better the devil you know... If you'll pardon the expression...

Derrick Davis

I'm bored. Bring out Ms Esperanto. Perhaps she can talk some sense into this clod.

Cherie comes out dressed in a black mini skirt, black tights, red roll neck and black leather jacket topped off with a beret