No Laughing Matter

Both Theist

And Atheist

Typically agree

That this is no laughing matter

That laughter doesnt much matter

And that matter doesn't laugh

Only man does math

Only men count

And mere matter doesnt much matter

To say other wise

Makes one mad as a hatter

But what is laughter

But a vibration

Passing through man

Or woman

Who are made of matter

And like to titter tatter

But that

Is in their nature

And to laugh at their true nature

Is as close to truth as they get

It is a release

An exchange

They pay for life

And life gives them change

Do atoms laugh

They vibrate

But would they get a joke about vibrators

Or alligators

Do they cry tears

When they lose an electron

What if our tears are particles

Though not sub atomic

Scaled up

Perhaps the Sun wonders

If men are capable of being comic

We laugh when we see the folly of pride

Perhaps this is what

the ancient religions hide

A joke at our expense

But to our credit

When our self, we shed it.

Povey 2013