Submission Is My Shadow

submission is my shadow

so strong am i

fuck you

im not afraid to die

has been my

lifelong battle cry

but to be weak before woman

ah theres a thing to fear

i fear not that i be thought queer

but to obey

for a womans sake

makes me quake

and cum

one can hardly call that gay

photos of submissive men

thrill me

that i may be in their place one day

do i not tremble to tell

that my sex i wish to sell

that i dream

of my own private matriarchal


a hell on earth

where men are not given birth

but grown in tanks

and given no thanks

and sold like shanks

and punished

for having wanks


i hear you say

one is not alone

in this day

and age

but in truth

i say this as i wish to be a sage

an old man

with no plan

burn hollywood burn

im sure at humiliation

i will get my turn

but i have little to learn

id rather my white robe earn

lets keep it family friendly eh

trying to pick up submissives

in their place of work

is a little innapropriate

i should say

povey 2013