1st lvl Sista

18 years

Or thereabouts

'Fighting for a fairer society'

For love

For Love

And for Sanity

And for my sanity

Roundabout that

Ive tried to rap

And to film or write this or that

You know what?

Most of its a load of old crap

Except as battle cries

With a bit of snap

Crackle and pop

Polemics that are nice and twisty

Snipes that are bitchy

Blows against the mighty

That are titchy

All the rest?

Untieing myself

From ill chosen words

Spoken in a Nike vest

At choosing my words wisely

I was not the best

It is all too easy to wish Thatcher dead

And wound ones lover instead

When I said 'Fuck it. We'll fight them.'

By 'It,'

I didnt mean the one with whom

I shared a bed

And who made my blood red

Who rose my bread

Was she yeast?

Not in the least

No more than I a beast

'Im a man not an animal,'

She was a song and singer

Like one of Clyve Bonelle's

Riot Grrl vinyls

The violins are inherent in the cistern

I flush my 23rd lvl party card

To be a 1st lvl sista

To get old you gotta be hard.

Fuck being a bard

Ill spit some well chosen words

To unsettle our lairds

Povey 2015